Friday, May 23, 2008

How to Get a PR6 Backlink

One of the major factors of Google's algorithm for calculating Page Rank(PR) and top SERPs (search engine result pages) is getting quality inbound links from authority web sites. Although the visible PR (on the Google Search bar) is historical (could be up to 4 months old) it is an indicator of that site's importance in Google's eyes.

PR - Google Page Rank

Google PR uses a scale of 0 to 10 - there is a grey rank for dubious sites! A page rank of 10 is in your dreams! So 0 is the lowest and 10 is the highest. The scale is logarithmic - so getting a ranking of 2 is not twice as hard as getting 1 but significantly higher!!

So your aim is to get inbound links from sites with high PR. Of course, the higher a site's PR the harder it is to get a link. But not always - more about that later!!

Relevancy of Link

The next issue is relevancy! If your site is about Perfumes, there is not much point in getting a link from a site about Washing Machines. If you get those type of inbound links, Google will smell a rat (sorry for the pun). Instead you should be looking for a site which is on the theme of Perfumes. Good PR links from such sites will do your rankings a power of good.


And there is more: choice of keyword for the outbound link. You have managed to find a site with good PR on perfumes and they are happy to exchange links. Carefully choose a page which has content about the keyword (or phrase) you wish to promote, and then ask for the anchor text to be the that keyword (phrase). Next - what page should you be linking to on your site? You MUST have a page where the content revolves around the keyword you are promoting - ideally in the title, H1 and text content. So linking to this page makes sense to Google. Google is looking for natural hyperlinks which lead to pages that are on topic! Google will give you brownie points as a result.

One final point make sure the webmaster you are exchanging content links with does not use the "nofollow" attribute on his external links. Links with the "nofollow" link will not pass Google PR to your site.

OK - you have all the information you need to maximise the use of the Google PR 6 link. Of course, the key is finding sites with PR 6 or better who will trade links. So here is the crunch and believe or not the tool to gain top PR links is currently freely available. See the link in the resource box for more information!

Howard Farmer
A to Z Directory - Business Links and Resources
PR 6 Link - how to get a PR 6 Link today.

Can Submitting Articles Grow Your Business? Here Are 4 Ways

Today's Internet marketing environment is very competitive. Submitting articles is one way to help you archive an edge. This method should be viewed as a long-term method to grow you business.

The importance of submitting articles on a regular bases should not be overlooked if you want to achieve long term success with obtaining traffic to you web site or blog.

It has been said over and over again that getting traffic is the lifeblood of your online marketing success. I'm sure you have heard that about as often as you have heard that "the money is in the list". Well both are true. You must have a list and you must have traffic.

1. Submitting Articles Increases Your Search Engine Ranking

In this article we are looking at submitting articles as one way to accomplishing a higher search engine ranking. Unlike many of the methods, submitting articles does not cost you anything except time and effort.

Because of this writing and submitting articles is a very effective and non-cost way to promote your web site, blob, and your affiliate programs. Make your article search engine friendly. This means optimizing it with keywords and meta tags. The more top-ranked keywords you can use the better.

Next you need to upload the article to your web site or post it onto your blog. Then the search engines will spider your page an eventually you will obtain an increase in search engine rankings. This strategy works because the search engines like content that has been keyword optimized.

2. Submitting Articles Gives You The Potential Of Reaching More People

The reason for this is that by submitting articles, others will sometimes choose to use your article in their promotion efforts. When they do, the search engines will find those articles and if you have a link back to your site, you will get more exposure for your web site or blog.

Submitting articles in this case means submitting them to other sites. The best way to do this is to submit them to ezine directories. You are using the popularity of the ezine directories to get your article out onto the Internet.

When others find your content to be relevant to their efforts, they will publish your article on their web site or blog. Your link back to your web site or blog in your resource box will improve your link popularity. This is important to your quest for a higher search engine ranking. You also get totally free advertising by this strategy as well.

3. Submitting Articles Helps You Establish Reciprocal Links

Submitting articles decreases the necessity for you to seek out other web sites that would be willing to establish reciprocal links with you. Much of the work is done for you when someone uses your article on his or her web site or blog.

You really want to establish as many link partners as you possibly can. Search engines use link popularity in determining the search engine ranking for your site.

4. Submitting Articles helps You Establish Credibility And Reputation

Here's the key - write articles that have original and relevant content.

When your readers see that you are doing this you will create a good impression on them and increase the potential for them to be a future customer. It also encourages more of your visitors to re-visit your web site or blog.

Now your subject does not have to be original - but you're content should be. For example the topic of submitting articles has been around for years and it will stay around for years - because it works.

But if your content is yours you will be seen as an expert and your credibility will increase and you will gain customer approval.

In addition, some readers will write comments about your article. When you receive these and they are favorable, you can use them as testimonies on your web site or blog. These testimonies can become promotional material and gain you more approval and exposure. The trade off is that they also provide exposure for the one that wrote the testimony.

Use your negative feedback to make improvements to your efforts and publish that to increase your exposure even more. Turning your negative feedback into a positive will help in your efforts to create a good impression and possibly increase your sales.

As I stated at the beginning, this is a very competitive market. However, by submitting articles with good content that is relate to your web site or blog your efforts in promoting affiliate programs, your product and your business will be improved.

About the author: Lonnie Minton writes about Promoting Affiliate Programs and Affiliate Marketing in his newsletter, eCourses, and eBooks. Sign up for his Promoting Affiliate Programs Ezine at

Copyright 2008 by Lonnie Minton, All rights reserved.

10 Ways to Tackle Keyword Research and Selection

You need to be extremely careful with keyword research so that you don't miss excellent opportunities or aim so broadly that you target phrases that will never rank well. Here are 10 strategies to guide you along the way:

1. Know your potential customers.
We can't tell you how many businesses we've met who simply pick keywords out of thin air. They don't talk to customers or hot prospects in order to determine what might be a useful set of keywords.

2. Start with core words.
A core set of keywords - even if too broad - can stimulate creative thinking.

3. Look at the industry.
Examine industry trade group web sites and related newsletters to find potential keywords.

4. Study competitors.
Some companies make a bigger deal of competitors' keywords than they should, but it's still a useful strategy. Invariably, a competitor will be using a strong keyword or phrase you don't want to miss. Often, however, they load their web sites with single keywords that aren't appropriate. If internet users are seeking cookware, their search terms shouldn't be laundry-based words. Yet we came across that very example. Be careful which words you use.

5. Be specific - add other words to your primary phrases.
If you sell metal, try metal stamping or metal stampers. Or, how about metal stamping companies? Words like services, companies, products, accessories, and many others can really pay off. Ok, everyone wants to rank #1 for terms like "toys" and "sports." It would take more time and budget than you may have to land such terms (through META updates, content adjustments and links).

6. Visit Wordtracker.
It's a great tool even if it only collects a sampling of actual searches (more than 300 million). You'll get a good sense of how frequently someone may search. Here is their URL: http://www.wordtracker.com

7. Use your intuition.
Don't hesitate to try some ideas; Wordtracker and other sources can confirm whether you have a search term people might or might not use.

8. Limit your selection.
Come up with a list of words - 10, 20, 30, maybe 50 or more. But don't get so many that you can't manage them all.

9. Tie keywords to site planning.
Pick keywords you can work with over time. Make sure you don't plan to drop a page from the web site or change it so often that your target keywords may be knocked off or irrelevant every 30 days.

10. Study your log files.
Web analytics is a great tool if you want to see how your visitors are searching. Study the results and you will come up with a revised set of keywords.

Michael Murray is vice president of Fathom SEO, a Cleveland, Ohio-based search engine marketing (SEM) firm. A member of Search Engine Marketing Professional Organization (SEMPO), he also authored the white paper, "Search Engine Marketing: Get in the Game."


Article Marketing - 3 Clandestine Tactics For Generating 300% More Traffic And Sales

Article marketing is a great source for free, residual traffic. You can use it to create real cash flow marketing your products or affiliate products.

First off, you must understand there are a few other less popular article sites that receive almost just as many visitors as the popular ones, such as some of the ones often mentioned in ebooks. I tend to make the most out of every article I have written so I submit to 4 to 6 of the best directories. Sometimes an article actually might receive more visitors on another less popular article directory because they don't get 'lost' in the potpourri of articles

Here's some article marketing tips you can use to fatten your bank account:

1) Sometimes when your article is submitted just before the weekend, it will have the whole weekend to get in that initial traffic.

2) Instead of linking directly to an affiliate site, build a list. Or at the very least, like you said, build a blog. And perhaps you can build a list from there.

Build your business, not just the merchant's. If you are not building a list, it's mostly short-term profits.

3) Keep it simple when outsourcing. The simpler your project sounds, the more bids you will get. Because the job will sound simple when you write it in simple form. There's not much copywriting involved, just plain English.

State how many articles you want, state the price you want per article (important) and accept nothing higher than that. I've had freelancers try to give me excuses to raise my prices (usually it's all about their problems), but don't accept it. You've got your return on investment to think about.

I use only 2 short lines for this and get more than 10 bids or more in just half a day.

Fabian Tan is the author of the free 51-Page Report:

"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"

Head over to http://www.MurderYourJob.com to get your free copy now before it's gone!

Article Marketing - Are You Ready to Succeed?

Article writing and article marketing can be an excellent strategy to promote your website or product if done correctly. When effectively written an article can bring highly targeted traffic to your business.

Most internet professionals write articles for two reasons. We like to bring valuable and informative information to our niche market, and to entice them to use the link we have provided in our authors resource box. More clicks mean more sales or subscribers.

The whole idea is to bring targeted traffic to your website. In order to accomplish this you need to put as much thought into your authors resource box as you do in writing the article itself. Everyone knows, or should know, that your name, your real URL, and a few sentences about you or your product should be included in the authors resource box. There are other things that you can to do turn an authors resource box into a top notch lead gathering machine.

Here are X tips to writing a Killer authors resource box

1.) Use Third-Person

Always speak of yourself in third person in your resource box. Take a look at the authors credentials in a book by your favorite author. I am sure that you will find that third-person was used.

Writing in third-person will help you gain credibility and result in more clicks.

2.) Speak of your expertise in your field

Suppose that you are writing about online gaming. Your might want to use something such as this:

Your Name has been an avid online gamer for the last 10 years and has participated in beta testing for seven online games and played many, many more.

A statement such as this will lend itself well to establishing your knowledge of your field and your credibility.

3.) Include a call to action

Human beings are conditioned to accept being told what to do. We have been told exactly what to do since birth. First our parents, then our teachers, and finally our boss has always been there to tell us what to do. Use this conditioning to your advantage.

It can be something very subtle such as please visit: Your Website name or it can more bold and direct such as Click Here for More Information

If you do not include a call to action you will be missing out on a great deal of traffic.

4.) Give away a Freebie

If possible offer the reader something for free if they click on your link.

A great tactic is to offer something for free but require that the reader exchange their name and email address for it. This will opt them into your list and you can market to them at your leisure.

While this will not work 100% of the time (nothing does), it will allow you to grow your marketing list rather easily.

The authors resource box is a valuable marketing tool and it boggles my mind that more internet professionals do not make better use of it.

Lee Ruleman is an article marketing professional specializing in assisting others in achieving their goals in the internet business marketplace. To get Lee's brand new product A Complete Internet Business in an Easy Open Can! please visit http://www.successfularticlemarketing.com

Powerful Article Marketing - Discover 5 Hidden Secrets to Improve Your Article Marketing

Article marketing, or the process of writing and distributing articles online, is an inexpensive but effective marketing strategy being used by millions of webmasters to augment their website traffic, secure good page ranking, generate more online revenue, and establish their names as an authority in their chosen field.

Here are the 5 hidden secrets to improve your article marketing:

1. Identify and establish your objectives. When you know what you want to accomplish, you can easily adjust your marketing efforts to meet those objectives. For instance, if you want 10,000 additional page views on a daily basis, you wouldn't want to settle for one article per day, would you?

2. Consider your potential readers when writing your content. Every word and information that you will present on your articles must be targeted to their demands. Learn their preferences, needs, and problems so you can effectively meet those on your content.

3. Carefully choose your topics. If you want to drive targeted traffic to your website, you must write about topics that are being looked for by your target market. Write about your products, services, business, or other topics that are highly relevant to your industry.

4. Pick the best article submission sites. Manually submitting your articles can be exhausting and time-consuming, but your efforts will pay off if you choose publishing sites that are highly visited and have higher page ranking. These sites can give your articles maximum exposure and they can also increase their chances of being read and republished.

5. Steer clear from using idioms and clich's. Avoid making your articles sound like any other article on the internet. Strive to fill your articles with content that are fresh and relatively new to your readers' eyes.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Money From Home Articles

Articles are the backbone of internet marketing If all else fails in the industry, the one sure sure method to still be here, the one "ace in the hole" Article Marketing.

Let's take a look at some of the benefits and see if their value is worth a few minutes of time every day.

One benefit is the price involved to get started...It's FREE! You can sit down right now and write an article and submit it to an article directory.

There are many directories to be found when you run a search but I would suggest that you start with Ezinearticles and Goarticles.

This will get you started with links connecting with your project coming back to your site. Your products, list building, networking, advertising, and sales will all be amazingly enhanced. It's so simple!

The key to this is the repetition.


These articles aren't going anywhere. They will be floating around the internet forever...Your links will be working for you years from now--what a blessing! Next you can follow up with Google AdSense and be off to a great start...MONEY FROM HOME!

I can't think of any other place where you can get so much value for a little elbow grease, and a few hours of your time.

Count the costs...Is it worth it...Would you exchange a little time and effort for thousands of dollars? Many have and are sharing it with others.


These folks know from experience what it takes to keep up and exceed the competition on the internet today. The good news is that there is plenty for all...The only one stopping you from having that pie in the sky is yourself...So, what do you think, are you ready to break away from the negative nay-sayers and join those of us who dare to travel on the market trails to success?

I challenge you today to allow yourself the opportunity to enjoy the blessings of life.

Sierra Sage is a 57 year old grandma who works in a maximum security prison in Texas. She is dedicated to security and safety, along with research and information to assist people in success from all walks of life. For Instant FREE Website Submission Visit http://markettrails.com or http://markettrails.blogspot.com

Online Marketing Tip - Where Is Your Website Going?

My first job after university was working at a small publishing company. One of my boss's favourite sayings was, "If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there." It was a reminder to his staff that the first step in any project is to establish what you want to achieve i.e. setting goals or targets.

In my experience few websites have any goals. Often they're built on the reasoning, "We've gotta have a website because everyone else has one." Even now, many people think a website is a kind of marketing panacea. They think that by simply putting a website up they'll be deluged with sales enquiries. Unfortunately it ain't so.

Realistic and achievable goals for a website fall into the following categories:

Prospect acquisition
A website can deliver sales leads directly (e.g. by prospects emailing you to arrange a consultation or providing their contact details) or indirectly (e.g. by prospects visiting your showroom after finding out about your products online).

Making sales directly from your website.

Customer service
You can serve your customers better by providing customer service online. This can range from FAQs on common customer queries to a 24/7 online help desk.

Building brand equity
People now expect businesses to have a website. And they expect the same respect, responsiveness and customer service on the web as they receive from other touch points. A website can have a powerful effect on customers' brand perception.

Process automation
You can cut costs by automating processes online e.g. online billing, data gathering, delivering information, and human resources procedures.

One, or a combination, of these goals should be the primary focus of your website. Once you've selected your goals you can develop strategies to achieve them.

Charles Cuninghame is one of Australia's leading website copywriters. You can find out more about Charles at http://www.text-centric.com/. For a FREE Website Profit Booster Kit go to http://www.text-centric.com/free-marketing-resources/

Lucrative Article Marketing - Uncover 5 Reliable Methods to Advance with Article Marketing

If you have been using article marketing in promoting your products or website but can seem to generate the kind of interest and traffic that you were hoping for, let me help you increase the benefits you get - from increased page views, improved sales potential, and higher page ranking - by tenfold. Just follow these 5 reliable methods and you'll surely advance in this technique:

1. Anchor text vs. absolute URL. What are you using in your resource box? Based on studies and researches, the use of anchor text is more effective that using absolute URL. Aside from the fact that they look good on human eyes because they are based on keywords, they are also favored by search engines.

2. Make your articles scannable. Online users do have little time to spare when they search for information online. They appreciate articles that are scannable so they can easily skim through the information without spending so much time reading the whole article. Break your articles into short paragraphs and use bullet list to make your articles not only scannable but also easy on the eyes.

3. Maximize your resource box. Most article submission sites will allow you to use up to three hyperlinks on your author box. Take advantage of this to increase the chances of your website's URL being clicked.

4. Keep your resource box short. Remember, you are not writing another article. Keep it simple and direct to the point. Include your name, your expertise, and your "bait" - or the reason why readers should visit your website.

5. Give your articles compelling teasers. These will be shown, together with the titles of your articles, when an online user searched for your keywords. Tell your potential readers what is your article all about and how they can benefit from reading it.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

How To Start A Home Internet Business Using Article Marketing

When starting a home based internet business there are many strategies that one can use that will enable you to earn a full time living online. One of my favourite strategies is to do this using article marketing because this allows you to tweak and test your website without paying expensive advertising costs. You drive all your traffic for free to your web site.

You first need to find a niche market that you can target your business to. It is much easier to succeed online focusing on a smaller section of a mainstream market.

Always choose a niche market that you are interested in as you will be working with this idea for a long time. The next steps is to drive traffic to a squeeze page and build an opt in list so that you can market to your prospects over and over again. You do this by writing articles related to your niche market and submitting them to the major article directories. All this method takes is a bit of time and is completely free.

To start off with you need to find a few high quality affiliate products that you can market to your opt in list. Make sure that you only recommend products that you yourself would buy. If you recommend products just for the sake of making money people will not follow your recommendations the next time if they were disappointed with the product that they purchased.

Other benefits of article marketing is that you will increase your link popularity and search engine rankings. Consequently you will increase your free traffic as well.

Using these steps you can build a profitable business from scratch without spending money on advertising.

Are you really interested in driving massive traffic to your website?

Here's the answer:

Secrets Of Article Marketing - Download your free ebook now.

Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.

Article Marketing - Are Article Submission Services The Real Deal?

If you do any type of article marketing, you may heard of article submission services that promise to blast your article out to 10,000-50,000 publishers. Of course, many of the publishers are not really legitimate publishers, and hardly any receive any traffic. Most of these article submission services are pretty costly to use, so it might not really justify for the payoff.

In fact, only a few hundred article directories on the web receive any significant amount of traffic. Thus, youll not really be getting the best bang for your buck, or return on investment. Youd be better off spending the money on Pay Per Click campaigns.

Another problem that exists is that your email inbox will often be flooded with announcements of new articles being submitted. In effect, you end up being one of the tens of thousands of publishers that articles are being blasted to. You could easily receive hundreds of emails a day and your inbox will be continuously full.

The only one advantage of using some article submission service is that youll build tons of backlinks from your articles posted to the legitimate sites, which are very useful for search engine optimization purposes. However, it has been well documented that adding hundreds of backlinks at a single go may raise alarm bells at the search engines. Their spiders will get suspicious over how you went from creating zero backlinks the day before, to having a sudden boost of hundreds of backlinks. As a result, your search engine ranking could actually suffer!

Fabian Tan is the author of the free 51-Page Report:

"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"

Head over to http://www.MurderYourJob.com to get your free copy now before its gone!

Article Marketing - The Ticket To A Life Long Amount of Traffic

Article marketing is one of the greatest ways to get traffic to your website. With articles, you can truly beat out your competition and dominate your keyword, with just one article that only took about 10 minutes to make. That means that within 10 minutes, you've just created an article that can give you more than 100 visitors to your website a day!

As an example, type in psp download into Google. On the first page, sure enough, there's an article. That article get's clicked on at least 100 times a day. It's URL gets clicked at least 25 times a day. That means that the websites owner gets at least 25 people to get to his website from just one article a day! Just one! Imagine if he has 100! The amount of traffic can be lucrative and it can be all happening to you.

Search engines love articles. They love them so much that they give them really high page rankings. That's why internet marketing gurus use them. They're a great way to beat out their keywords competition, and get their articles out onto the first page of Google. Articles are powerful marketing tools that should be fully taken advantage of. If you were to just create 20 articles a week, by the end of 2 months, you would have at least 160 articles working to get traffic to your website.

Articles do all the work for you. They get all of the traffic, and they direct it to your website, getting you massive amounts of traffic for the rest of your life!

Looking for some new internet marketing tactics? Don't worry, I have tons. Check out my website at http://www.marketingentity.com

Article Marketing - Discover 3 Brand New Ways to Make Money with Article Marketing

Making money through article marketing cannot get easier these days. If you have the knack for writing and you are willing to submit your articles to various publishing sites on a regular basis, you can rake huge money using this technique.

1. Promote your website. Article marketing is currently the best traffic-generating tools in the internet today. When used properly, this tool can drive enormous traffic to your website which can easily be converted to cash. To succeed in this method, you must be able to consistently produce quality, factual, well-written, informative, and useful articles that are targeted to the needs and demands of your potential clients. These articles, when submitted on various publishing sites, can be picked up and republished by other online users. This can lead to more quality inbound links and stronger online presence.

2. Affiliate marketing. If you make a living by promoting and selling affiliate products online, you can augment your income through article marketing. Write about product reviews, product comparisons or recommendations to better build your products and boost your sales potential. You can also use this technique to increase the traffic on your product page. As you know, more traffic means more chances of closing a sale.

3. Promote your own products. Write topics that are highly relevant about your products to attract targeted traffic. For instance, if you are selling car insurance, you can talk about the importance and benefits of your product and how it can play crucial role in your potential clients' lives. By building your products, you are increasing your chances of convincing your target market to take action and make a purchase.

Want to learn how to sell high ticket products online? Download my brand new free guide here: "How to Sell High Ticket Products Online"

Sean Mize teaches a powerful, highly advanced system of creating and selling high ticket products online.

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Amazing Article Marketing - Uncover 4 Efficient Methods to Jumpstart Your Article Marketing

Building traffic for your website can be relatively easy these days. You don't need to learn complicated programming skills and you don't even need to launch linking campaigns just to make your website popular online. All you need to do is bank on your writing skills and impart your knowledge by writing and marketing your articles over the World Wide Web. This will allow you to showcase your expertise to online users while you increase the quality backlinks for your website.

Here are the 4 efficient methods to jumpstart your article marketing:

1. Make your articles content-rich. People read articles because they want to be informed. They want to find solutions to their problems or answers to their questions. Fill your articles with valuable information that your readers will find useful and relevant to their lives. When you do, you are increasing your chances of convincing them to check on your website and become your potential clients.

2. Make use of anchor texts. If you are posting your articles to your blog, website, or social bookmarking sites, link your other articles through the use of anchor texts. Use the most appropriate keywords that appeal to your readers to increase your clickthrough rate.

3. Commit. The key to success in article marketing is consistency. You can't just post 100 articles and wait for the traffic to build up to your website. Instead, you need to strengthen your online visibility and your expertise by consistently writing and submitting articles on a regular basis. By doing so, you will effectively address the needs of your readers for information every time they search online.

4. Resource box. To increase your conversation rate, spend more time in writing your resource box and make sure that it has the ability to drive readers to your website. Make it compelling, keyword-rich, and attention-grabbing.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Internet Marketing Articles - Writing These Articles Can Teach You a Lot About Yourself

Article marketing has the potential of changing your life forever. Nothing like starting out with a statement that can knock your socks off. I do believe this is true. I dismissed article marketing when I was first introduced to the idea. There were several aspects of it that I thought just did not make sense: the first of which was that you could take other articles and just change a few words and make them your own. I could see right away, that this type of thing would have no value.

The idea was presented to me again at a later point, and by now I had heard enough times what a great way it was to promote your business, and how inexpensive it was that I thought I would give it a try. I started by submitting 10 articles. All 10 of my articles were rejected, and had to be rewritten or fixed two or three times before I got them submitted: needless to say, this took considerable time and effort.

The funny thing was that this did not discourage me; it actually convinced me that article marketing was indeed a legitimate form of Internet marketing. Simply stated, if it took this much effort to get my article submitted to the top article directory, then the other articles being submitted had to be at least this good and more likely, better.

I guess what I am saying is that unlike what I had thought originally, articles could be a valuable resource for readers, therefore they were a legitimate source of information, meaning they would actually be read by people looking for information.

What I concluded from all of this is article marketing attracts a very real group of potential prospects to be targeted; therefore, if I was to master the skills and become an expert article marketer, I could build a very solid business and career online. This means you can too.

What if Dan Iverson could show you how to write about any topic on earth and make money? He'll teach you how to better understand human nature as it relates to e-commerce; how people, from their perspective, come to make a purchase on the Internet. I am talking about learning how you can pick a topic of interest, write about it, and with the right tools and a little research find connections between your readers and real products and services, of which you can become an affiliate and make money. Here is the best part. I will teach you all of this absolutely free. That's right, click on this link and you'll get the full Affiliate Masters Course Free. This is no joke, I promise once you start to read this course, you will see and learn the logical system of affiliate and information marketing. It will open your eyes to the greatest and most versatile opportunity in known history: the Internet. Even if you have a website, you can use these techniques. http://aggressiveinternetmarketing.net/free-tool.html

Monster Money Maker - Create the Ultimate Money Making Machine

Are you hungry for a rip-roaring tummy filling solution to your January Cash Flow Issues? You've come to the right place. Monster money maker has a big solution, called the ultimate money making machine. Are you ready?

Don't you just hate those fast start sales lead-ins that attempt to drive you to the website? Me too. But, they work. So, let's move on to the part where we fill up your tummy.

1. Lead Generation

Article Marketing works. You could stop reading right there and you'd have a prime bit of meat for your plate, but let's continue to add on some lead generation tools that will build your business online. A squeeze or capture page grabs signatures and emails from those who are interested in your topic. Let's face it, if the reader isn't going to give you their email, based on the link to your website and the information you provide, they won't give you their credit card later.

2. Keyword Domination.

Dominate your niche with keyword optimized content and use passive income streams. Infiltrating your articles and content with keyword domination, maximizes the effectiveness of your website, your article marketing, and your efforts at building a niche online. If your articles pack a punch with keyword optimized content, they sell well, they grab readers, and they drive results.

3. Provide Solutions.

Everybody on the Internet has a problem of one kind or another, so give them a solution. Provide solutions to the readers in your niche market and you've got a strong arm on their pockets. You can wrangle a jingle out of their pockets easier if you've already offered them a solution, than if you've just caterwauled their problem to death. Provide solutions.

A strong marketing list is the solution to your money issues. If you're still worrying the how to make money question, you've missed the point. You need a list. Once you create a list of marketing prospects, you've begun the process that will ultimately result in your making money online.

For more information about how to build your list, go to http://advertizeyourbusiness.com and sign up for Two FREE Article Templates and the ADvertiZe ezine today. You'll receive frequent tips and messages about monster money solutions.

Lucrative Article Marketing - 5 Reliable Steps to Improve Your Article Marketing

I simply love article marketing because it's currently the easiest way to build quality inbound links for my website. It allows me to impart my knowledge to my potential clients and position myself as an expert on my chosen niche. This leads to more traffic to my website and amazing sales potentials.

In this article, I wish to share with you the 5 reliable steps that can help you improve your article marketing:

1. Be smart when choosing your topics. To make article marketing work for you, write about your products, the pressing issues that are being experienced by your target market, the solutions you can offer, and general information about your chosen niche. This will help you establish your expertise and drive qualified traffic to your website.

2. Use titles that can capture the interest of your potential clients. To stir the right kind of attention online, make it a habit to use titles that communicate the benefits that your articles can offer to anyone who reads them. Your headlines must be catchy, intriguing, direct to the point, and thought-provoking.

3. Offer valuable information. Fill your articles with useful and valuable information that is targeted to the needs and demands of your potential clients. This is the surest way to compel your readers to read your articles in their entirety and hopefully click on your resource box.

4. Write more articles. To easily increase the number of your inbound links and to strengthen your online presence, multiply the number of your articles. You can easily do so by writing about topics that you are an expert on or hiring ghostwriters.

5. Your articles must be keyword-rich. This is to make your written materials easy to find online.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Rank High Through E-Marketing Articles

E marketing articles is great new concept, which is making buzz these days. It is a smart idea of making your page rank high and your online business boost unabated. The search engine crawlers are always on parole to get the feel of such food- keyword rich content- and here's your business done just the way you wanted. Going in this manner, you ought to be wary that your content is not a duplicate one. It should have all the clear ideas arranged in place and order.

There are many prominent online directories over the Internet. You can submit your articles in a batch of seven or eight articles after regular intervals of time. Other way out is that you make a sound submission of your content to many community sites. E marketing articles employs many posting tools to give submitted documents an enhanced publicity. The whole process is itself a quite lengthy one. It includes drafting compelling documents on specific titles; posting those to free online directories and other free post websites. Such directories are a common place for many visitors and this in turn will provide you name an enhance visibility.

The basic thing before you indulge in E marketing articles is that you should have good and compelling content for submission. If you don't have it, you have failed in first step itself, let alone the money making scheme which you'd aimed for from day one. It's true that you cannot wage a war without the ammunition. And the same is true out here as well!

Remember that content management system truly works when you go for the process of E marketing articles. Therefore don't forget to righteously implement this in order to place the text in the way it should look appealing and attractive over the web. CMS provides those powerful protocols that are easily noticed by the crawlers; and secondly it makes online text soothing to reader's eyes.

Therefore, if you look for online publicity, then E marketing articles is a resourceful means of generating and building the loyal web audience by either optimizing your content to make it search engine friendly and creating most wanted back links and the second most influential method is to generate direct audience.

Niche Writers India provide article marketing and article writing service in $4 a piece and if you are looking for article submission service then you can get it in $2 per article.

Article Marketing Is Like Hiring A Salesman? How Can That Be? Part I Of III

Call me crazy, but I love the analogy that publishing an article is like hiring a salesman and sending him out to sell for me. Not only do I think it is cool to think about how many salesmen I can enlist to do the work, but I like all of the parallels that can be drawn between the two.

First of all, a solid group of articles is probably even better than a salesman, if they are equipped with all the right tools. I say this because an article really does never sleep, doesn't need an expense account, doesn't drink alcohol, and can't get into an automobile accident... This doesn't even take into consideration never complaining or being able to quit.

So, what are some of the way's they are alike? Well, let's start by saying that if you don't equip them properly than you can greatly reduce their effectiveness. If I hired a sales rep, and never gave him business cards, he would probably have a hard time getting call backs much less what it would do to his credibility. This is what it is like if you don't create your resource box on your article. There is no way to find you, and how much stock are you going to put into an article that isn't signed?

Let's say you do put a resource box at the end of your article but you don't have the right information in it. This would be like giving your sales rep business cards, but not putting his name on them, or no phone number. How do you think that will impact his effectiveness?

Many of the characteristics of your article can have similar impacts as a sales rep that shares those characteristics also. For example, if your article is too smart, it will probably be too long and won't connect well with the attended audience. This would work out about the same as a salesman that was just a little too smart. He would probably come across as arrogant, and not connect well with potential clients.

What if your sales rep came across as aloof and not so bright? Well, people are not going to be confident that he can really help them or that he can be counted on. Same with an article that is full of fluff or is poorly written: the reader is going to think, this guy probably can't help me, or he doesn't care enough for me to trust him.

Want to learn more about the kinds of things that make a great resource box and that will help your articles hit the mark? Come sign up for my ezine and get access to my blog.

What if Dan Iverson could show you how to write about any topic on earth and make money? He'll teach you how to better understand human nature as it relates to e-commerce; how people, from their perspective, come to make a purchase on the Internet. I am talking about learning how you can pick a topic of interest, write about it, and with the right tools and a little research find connections between your readers and real products and services, of which you can become an affiliate and make money. Here is the best part. I will teach you all of this absolutely free. That's right, click on this link and you'll get the full Affiliate Masters Course Free. This is no joke, I promise once you start to read this course, you will see and learn the logical system of affiliate and information marketing. It will open your eyes to the greatest and most versatile opportunity in known history: the Internet. Even if you have a website, you can use these techniques. http://aggressiveinternetmarketing.net/free-tool.html

Article Marketing - Power-Charged Marketing Strategies Build Lists

Are you tired of struggling to build your List for online marketing? Article Marketing creates an opportunity to develop Dynamic Targeted Traffic for your List Building Endeavors. Get on board for more Article Marketing Power!

In these days of information overload, Article Marketing fills a new and identifiable Marketing Niche. Your information can be found online using keyword searches. With those searches, people find your articles and you lead them back to your website with information they are actually looking to find online.

The best part of Article Marketing is that once you write the article, someone else does all the work of promoting it and getting it listed on the Search Engines, optimizing your Website and your Article for better readership.

Article Marketing includes the strong foundation of Niche Marketing - which creates a solid basis for building your online business. By conforming to your niche, you have the added advantage of building a business with dynamic growth potential.

Title your Article with KEYWORD Flash & Originality.

BE original. Every other article online tells someone how to so give the reader something more punchy and original. Simply state the purpose of your article. Leave out the wishy-washy junk and give your reader KEYWORD Power.

Your Article must present FRESH Information.

To get the attention you desire, your article must present something NEW and INTERESTING to your readers. Tips and Strategies that have been given over and over, wont grab much attention. Give your reader some fresh meat to chew on.

Know what your Readers wants to Learn.

When you have some idea what your reader wants to learn, you can offer that information. Give them what they want, every time they want it, your business will grow.

Resource Box Design and Purpose.

Dont end your article. Ask a question that leads your reader to the resource box. Answer their question with a link to your website. After the link, put a YEAR - Your name for REFERENCE and thats it.

Are you ready to get started writing some articles for your business?

Claim your Article Marketing Strategy Report Today at http://alistregistry.com

2007 - Jan Verhoeff

Article Marketing - The 5 Keys To Recession-Proofing Your Business With Article Marketing

Article marketing is a great way to recession-proof your business in these, and in any, economic times.

Here are the top 5 reasons and ways to recession proof your business with article marketing.

1. People want and need information - Especially in uncertain times, people want and need information. You get to be the person that supplies that information in your area of expertise. Articles are a wonderful slice of your expertise.

2. Article Marketing is free - You get to reach thousands of people with your information and invite them to your web site and you get to do it for free. Your only cost is time and effort. Tell me what other resource allows you to do this.

3. Extends your reach - What does it mean to extend your reach? Extending your reach means being able to reach more and more people and prospects through more and more avenues. Many of these people will be those you could not and would not reach in any other way.

4. Easily repurposed - You can quickly, easily, and with a minimal amount of effort repurpose your articles into other forms of information and products that you deliver to your list. One article can turn into many products.

5. Brands you as the expert - What is the advantage of being branded as an expert? When you are branded as the expert you become the go to person. As the go to person, people will come to you with their struggles, looking for solutions that they will pay you for, in any economy.

And now I would like to offer you free access to 2 of my Instant Article Templates when you subscribe to my free Article Marketing Minute, a 52 week audio/video newsletter on Article Marketing. You can get your instant access at http://www.ArticleMarketingMinute.com

From Jeff Herring - The Internet Article Guy & the Great Article Marketing Network

Five Things To Look For In An Article Directory

If you're interested in article marketing, it's not enough to write great articles. You also need to get them accepted at the right directories. But not all article directories are created equal. Here are five things to look for when submitting your articles to online directories.

High rankings. There's no point in submitting articles to a directory that won't get you traffic. One of the benefits of publishing on article directories involves attracting traffic to your website through the links in your author resource box.

Do a search for keywords in your niche. Chances are at least a few of the results are from article directories. Which directories tend to come up the most? The highest-ranking article directories will get you the most visibility possible for your time. If the directory you consider doesn't come up in search engine queries, it's probably not worth submitting to.

Page rank. Another benefit of article directories is the inbound link from the author resource box. For best effect, you should link to your site using a keyword you want to rank for as the link text-not something generic like "my site." Search engines notice the words used to link to your site, and a link from a highly ranked site carries more weight than one from a site with a low page rank. The site with the higher page rank can offer more valuable links.

Standards. Does the article directory have an editorial policy? If it does, that's both good and bad news. It's bad, because it means your articles won't be seen immediately after you submit them-there will be a delay period while the editors approve your writing. It's also good, because it means the directory pays attention to what's being submitted and doesn't allow itself to degenerate into a spam-promotion site.

Recommendations. What are other people saying about the article directories you're considering? Visit a few search marketing forums and ask for recommendations. If your directory is highly regarded by people who have some experience in article marketing, you're probably safe publishing there.

Statistics. Check to see what sort of features the directory offers to authors. Do they let you track your traffic and click-through rate with detailed statistics? Do they let publishers publish your site as long as they include your links and byline? Do they offer article syndication? It's hard to believe, but some directories don't offer any of these perks. Before publishing, see what extras are available.

Article marketing is all about volume. The more articles you publish, the more successful you'll be. And the better the directory you choose, the harder your articles will work for you. Use these tips, and you should be able to choose the right directory for your article marketing campaign.

Jennifer Williamson runs a successful business writing articles in southern Pennsylvania for clients all over the world. For flawless writing at affordable prices, check out her freelance writing website. For more of her advice on writing and article marketing, visit her freelance writing blog.

5 Steps To Success in Network Marketing

Automated systems work well if your product is digital and costs less than $99. The seller will attain better results when the sales page is formulated with a personalized video explaining the product and showing proof of training resources, or the product or their earnings. But what if you are selling a higher end network marketing product ... what are some of the best steps to take to build enough trust or reasons for a buyer to purchase the product sight unseen?

Here Are My 5 Top Tips:

1. Building A Web Presence

It is necessary to have a web presence to market your product. The latest web 2.0 techniques covering the umbrella of social book marking sites, like blogs and video lure search engine spiders like flies to a web. The latest marketing techniques level the paying field, making it no longer necessary to have a huge advertising budget to have your website ranked high in the search engines. Utilizing a selection of varied marketing methods on a regular basis will attract traffic to your website.

2. Building relationships

Showing your face, recording your voice and adding testimonials to your site all increase the connection between you and your web visitors. Your new clients should feel as if they know you and can trust you and can contact you at any time without feeling like they are a burden to you.

3. Giving advice

Writing articles with useful materials will result in increased free traffic to your website and will establish you as an authority in your niche. Offering free reports, free downloads and adding web content will keep the internet seekers coming back to your site.

4. Adding Bonuses

Using competitions and time sensitive bonuses will add to the sense of urgency. Seekers will become buyers if they have a reason to purchase today. The one time offer strategy has become a huge success with internet marketers.

5. Care after the sale

Once the sale is done, many marketers feel that their job is over, in reality this is the most important aspect to any sale. Taking time to market and establish rapport with a client only to drop them after the purchase will lead to discontented members and complaints. Establishing a regimen of regular contact and training is essential for the success of your business and growth of your down-line.

Entrepreneur Maria Porter has been Online since 2000 specializing in Coastal Vacations Business Opportunity full time since 2001. She is also the creator of Coastal Vacations Best Business Opportunity website. You may contact her on 866-629-3806. Visit her website for a powerful free report.

SEO Tips - Basic Keyword Concepts That Drive Traffic To Your Site

In this article we will be discussing some SEO tips for readers/webmasters to use on their own websites. There is a lot of webmasters out there with no basic concepts of how to promote their own websites via SEO. In order for an internet surfer to visit your site you need to use certain keywords that the searcher uses.

For instance, if you have a site about fishing. You will want related keywords to use to write related content on those keywords and construct web pages for your site. I personally use a keywords research tool called wordtacker. If you type in fishing into wordtracker it will then give a list of related keywords you can use to create content pages. Wordtracker also gives you the amount of searches a particular keyword or phrase has per day. This is very useful information as it tells you the demand for the keyword that web surfers use each day!

Once you have your keywords you'd like to use for your site, you then need to check to see what the competition is like with these keywords at the search engines. Just type in your keyword in the search engine and make sure you surround the phrase with quotes. The reason for this is because you want to find out how many pages are using the exact phrase match for that keyword phrase. This gives you a good indication as to how much competition there is for your keyword phrase. The lower the competition, the better. Meaning the less amount of effort you need to do in order to have you keyword optimized web page ranking high in the search engines.

Now there are other complexities involved which I wont go into today. I will follow up this article with the complexities you need to know in order to find out what the strength of competition is like. For example, what web pages using the same keywords as you have good in bound links. If they have high quality in bound links you may find it difficult to out rank these pages and their link popularity. You just need to keep adding one way quality back links to the pages that need them the most.

It can be tough and almost a full time job looking after these pages. Making sure that they are all ranking high in the search engines for the terms and phrases that they are optimized for! I have come across an excellent SEO software tool that helps me to manage my sites which saves me a lot of time and money. Its great for getting links to my site which helps my Overall Page rank for my site!

If you would like to learn more about this tool read the SEO Elite review, go to visit http://its-about-internet-marketing.blogspot.com/