Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

If you've heard rumors that article marketing is dead, those rumors couldn't be further from the truth. In fact, article marketing is alive, kicking, and thriving. There are many advantages to using article marketing, and that's why some of the most recognized and successful businesspeople still use article marketing. Here are some of the advantages of using article marketing!

Traffic -

Men and women are using article marketing right now to drive more clients to their websites. Simply by submitting your relevant article with tons of information and a great link in the bio, you are able to use your articles to increase traffic to a site. One of the best ways to do this is to have your freelance writer subtly mention your products or services, along with comparable ones or alternative ones. Another way is to explain benefits of your type of products or services. There are many different ways and you will increase traffic.

One important note to make in this section is that other people have the option in most places to reprint your article free, as long as they include your bio and the link you have there. This means there are several different ways to get traffic. When someone else reprints your article, people will be able to see it on another site that is perhaps relevant to yours, so you can get some great leads or signups that way!

Credibility -

Article marketing is one of the best ways to establish your credibility as an expert. If you have a Shea Butter site where you sell organic Shea Butter, some people might buy your product without you ever having an article. However, if you have dozens of articles on the web about Shea Butter and the benefits, what it treats, what it can be used for, how it's made, and where it comes from, people are going to consider you an expert. Most people would rather purchase from an expert than someone who doesn't know but is just selling the product. This is why article marketing is so beneficial. You keep your site clean and not too wordy but you still get your information out there. In order to be really successful with a product or service, you need credibility!

Search Engines -

Of course, article marketing is great with the search engines because when you submit your article with the proper SEO, your article has a great chance of coming back in top pages of related searches. This means another avenue for more traffic, customers, sales, signups, or leads. The key is to place the right keywords in and have it optimized right, which most freelance writers know how to do for you.

Article marketing is most definitely not dead and, in fact, it's almost a necessary thing to do when you have a site. It is one of the best ways to improve traffic, credibility and reputation, and give your site and business an amazing boost. Using the information above, you can see just why article marketing is very much alive in the internet business world today.

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Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Are you wondering what you can say in your articles that will bring your readers back to your site, ready to buy? Give them informative content that answers their questions.

1. User Information & Directions

Tell your reader how to use products you sell. Offer detailed directions that improve results of using the products you sell and promote good relationships with the users of the product. How often have you heard someone mention an NEW idea and said, "Gee I wish I'd thought of that?" Well, now you can. And when you publish those ideas, you get credit and new customers for your ideas.

2. Details of Understanding

Don't you just find it easier to use a product you know something about? You could give the reader user friendly directions that would promote their ability to use your products. Perhaps the history of your product is interesting, or you have a unique story to tell about how beneficial the product has been to someone? Add in some flair or an amusing tale and you've got a great article that encourages customers.

3. News & Announcements

Has your product saved a life? Perhaps it's been beneficial to a group of people who help others? Maybe your products were used to help a family in need? Or did you donate products to the needy for the holiday celebrations? Let your reader know of these newsy events, or send them an announcement of an event they can participate in. Give them an opportunity to get to know your products better.

Are you ready to learn more about Article Marketing?

Obtain 2 FREE Article Marketing Templates at http://advertizeyourbusiness.com and learn more about the SECRET of Prospering from Online Marketing. Advertize is an online business owned by Jan Verhoeff, an Internet Marketer who believes Content is King. You may visit http://janverhoeff.com about online marketing and a wealth of information.

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Article marketing is one of the most effective and inexpensive marketing tools in the internet today. If done correctly, this process can bring you enormous traffic and great online revenue.

Here are the 5 effective ways to excel at article marketing:

1. Know your target market. This is one crucial element in writing your articles as this can help you design your contents to make them more targeted to the needs and wants of your readers. Know their problems, the things that they are passionately interested about, or solutions they are looking for to improve the quality of their lives.

2. Bank on your content. If you want your articles to be read and widely distributed, you must make sure that they are all well-written, content-rich, factual, scannable, interesting to read, written in a conversational tone, and free from grammar and spelling errors. It would also greatly help if they have great, attention-grabbing titles that are guaranteed to help you increase your clickthrough rate.

3. Register on leading publishing sites. There are more than one thousand article submissions sites and article directories in the internet today but not all of them are created equal. While some can give your articles the exposure they need, some are not even indexed by Google. Maximize your time by submitting your articles only to those sites that have huge traffic and great page ranking.

4. Optimize. To ensure that you will be able to connect to your potential clients, incorporate the search terms they are usually using on your content to make it easier for them to find your articles online.

5. Write more. Article marketing is the easiest way to create inbound links for your website. If you want to obtain more links, you can simply multiply the number of your articles.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

Article marketing is the main way I generate leads to my autoresponder, I won't deny that. This is because from my testing, I have found that article marketing produces the most responsive leads. Can you benefit from this? You bet you can.

List building can be difficult for any marketer, especially the beginner marketer. But the main thing to understand is that list building is really tied in to traffic generation. If you can generate traffic to your sites, then building a big list is not a problem at all.

And article marketing is one of the best ways to drive responsive and highly targeted traffic to any website. You write short and lean information laden articles, then submit them to article directories like Ezine Articles. In your biography box, write a compelling bio about you and your business and link to your website.

Leads generated from article marketing are more responsive than from other sources because they have read your article and if they like the information you present, you have built somewhat of a relationship. This relationship can be furthered in your email marketing.

The fact is this, if someone reads an article and likes it, he will want to receive even more information from the author. This gives you a highly targeted lead.

But if you want to build huge lists using this method, then you must understand that volume is the key. You must submit a few articles a day for at least a few months to start seeing results. After a few months, with a few hundred articles, you will receive dozens of qualified leads every day.

Fabian Tan is the author of the free 51-Page Report:

"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"

Head over to http://www.MurderYourJob.com to get your free copy now before it's gone!

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Writing articles is one of the most effective ways of driving traffic to your site, and therefore earning more money. A single article can end up reaching thousands of people, as it is picked up by other websites and republished in e-zines.

But how do you write an article that will get noticed by search engines and your fellow webmasters? And how do you ensure that it will interest the right sort of people: the people who will be interested in what your website has to offer?

The first thing to do is decide on a topic. Hopefully, it's obvious to you that this should be relevant to your website! If, for example, you run a website selling cookies, you might want to write an article explaining what makes a cookie taste so great!

Not only should the topic be relevant, but it should put the reader in the right frame of mind to visit your website. Take the cookie example. Imagine reading an article all about how great cookies taste. It makes your mouth water. When you get to the end, you see a link to a site that sells cookies like the one the author was describing. You aren't going to waste much time before clicking on it! And when you get to the site, you are going to want to buy some cookies as fast as possible.

Of course, you should write articles that are informative and interesting. That is the only way they will be republished elsewhere. But you do also need to make sure they act as a kind of pre-sell for your website and its products. You need to make sure that when someone has finished reading your article, they are in the right frame of mind to buy your products.

A way to do this is by subtly persuading them that your product is important or will benefit them in some way. If you are writing an answer describing how to do something, try to hint that your product will help them do that. The key is not to be too obvious. If you seem to be selling something too obviously, webmasters will not republish it and readers will not be convinced.

Second, you need to start thinking about keywords. Your article, especially your first paragraph, need to be keyword rich. This ensures that search engines will pick them up. It also makes sure that webmasters looking for keyword rich articles find yours.

The trick is to do this in a subtle way. Your writing needs to seem natural. At the same time, you want to include possible search phrases. You may need to do several revisions before it sounds right.

A third thing to do is decide on a title. People reading articles are generally looking for information. This means that How To' and Ten Steps To' articles are popular, as they tell the reader that you provide practical information set out in a clear and logical manner. Another attention grabbing title is a question. When you read a question, you naturally want to find the answer. People will read your article to do that.

You also need to make sure that your title is keyword rich. Some people suggest starting your title with a keyword. However, don't just make your title a string of keywords. Remember that it is what attracts people to read your article in the first place.

Finally, there are a few key things to remember. Completely correct grammar is not essential; what is important is that your article is understandable. Remember that not everyone reading will have English as their first language, so avoid using too much slang. You therefore need to make your meaning clear.

Construct your article logically. Have a beginning, a middle, and an end. Move smoothly from one point to the next. Between six and eight hundred words is the ideal length.

And, perhaps most importantly of all, use a spell-checker! There is no excuse for bad spelling. The odd typo might be unavoidable, but do your best to eliminate them by re-reading your article several times.

If you do all this, you'll have a good chance of getting your article picked up and spread around. You then just need to keep writing, keep your standard high, and soon you'll be considered an expert in your field.

And, even better, the money will be pouring in!

Anita Buchan is a full-time affiliate marketer who now wants to help others earn the same money she does. To read honest reviews of genuine home business opportunities, visit http://www.dont-get-scammed.biz

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

Generally, businesses need promotion and advertising, especially the ones which are relatively new in the market. But most businessmen are scared to this fact because this means more money to shell out. With the evolution of new strategies in marketing, a lot has been developed and innovated to aid business people in promoting their products and services at a low cost or even at no cost. One of the potent marketing tools that is relatively costless is the article marketing.

Article Marketing allows you to convey your promotional concepts and thoughts via online. The whole idea is very basic. How are you going to make your product or service more visible to the consuming public using the Internet?

You can actually do that by utilizing all means there is possible to be able for you to reach out all possible consumers. You can use e-mailing list, be an active chatter in a community chatroom, send out newsletters, create a blog, and more. But knowing these do not assure that you can effectively use them. You have to strategize your article marketing points to ensure that every consumer who gets to visit your site or receives any of your promotional material will be captured by it.

You may start by initially selecting your market. You have to set a clear and focused direction as to what your target market needs. You have to ensure that you know exactly the essential things that they want and need to know. It is only by knowing what your market requires that you can write and convey what you want to tell them. Then, after writing what they want, it is time to let it published. Make your article known by maximizing the distribution of it through out the internet. After which, do not stop from there. Determine by monitoring how the article is being received by your prospective consumers. Tracking the success of your article will allow you to revisit your strengths and weaknesses.

In the end, no matter how difficult or easy they may be, you just have to learn the facts and efficiently use them.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to generating massive traffic Triple Your Traffic Fast'

Download it free here: Triple Your Traffic Fast

Download a free article marketing guide here: Secrets of Article Writing

Do you want to learn how to build a massive list fast? Click here: Email List Building

Raymond Nesa is an experienced web marketer specializing in article marketing, traffic generation, and list building.

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

Article marketing requires you to have a high article volume in order to be successful.

Ive heard it so many times. People have tried article marketing and it doesnt work. Well, how many articles did you write and put out there?

Six? Well, guess what thats not enough. You need at least 25 out there to begin to get a small steady trickle of people heading your way. Thats in general. Some people can get a great stream of traffic with 10 because they are well written strategically from the beginning.

The more articles you write, the higher your article inventory, the higher all your other numbers will be. Its as simple as that. Its a numbers game. The higher your article volume, the more visitors, prospects, subscribers, publicity and profits you will have.

Now what if somebody told you that you could be involved in a business that you could control, or at least greatly influence, your numbers your visitors, your subscribers, your teleseminar listeners, your customers, your members, your students, your mentees whatever you want to call them and you could do that for free. The only cost would be time and energy.

Thats what article marketing is. When I submit articles to the article directories, I dont hope my other numbers will increase. I dont think my other numbers will increase. I absolutely know my other numbers will increase, and thats a great thing and a great feeling.

"Life begins at 250"

Christopher Knight of EzineArticles says that "life begins at 250." Now before you let that scare you off, realize that while it does take consistent effort to get to 250 and beyond, it is very doable and very, very worth it.

And now I would like to offer you free access to two of my Article Writing Templates. You can download them by going to http://www.GreatArticleMarketingBlog.com

Would you like to get in on our free weekly Article Guy TeleSeminars? Visit http://www.TheArticleGuyTeleSeminars.com to get started today!

From Jeff Herring - The Article Guy & GreatArticleMarketingNetwork.com