Thursday, May 15, 2008

Seo Elite Review On Google Top 10 No-No's

So, you want to be in the Google Top Ten? Then this Seo Elite Review on the Top Ten things to avoid when designing and optimizing your website will ensure your website gets maximum exposure without incurring penalties. Seo Elite Experts Worldwide have graciously contributed to this Google top ten article and at this time agree that the following list of optimization no-no's are valid at the time of writing.

Seo Elite Review To Title Tag Stuffing

Stuffing the title tag within your website code is possibly one of the quickest way to drop out of the Google top ten. Titles such as "Keyword Stuffing, Stuffing Keywords, keyword stuffings, keyword stuff" is simply not going to cut it in the eyes of Google, and with so many word repetitions is almost a guarantee of getting a Google demotion. This tends to happen when Google's 'secret police' suddenly throw up a red flag against your website's structure and demote or in the worst case scenarios, totally ban your website for such practices. Our Seo Elite reviewers continually find this type of practice being utilized to try and influence the search engine algorithms. Seo Elite Advice - Title tag stuffing is a No-No !

Seo Elite Review of Image Alt Tags

There seems to be a prevalence these days to using the alt (alternative text) tag on images. Repeat a keyword phrase more than once within this alternative text and on more than three to four images in total for a page, and it is in our view a sure fire way to drop out of the Google top ten search results. For maximum benefits using the alt tag, the seo elite reviewers agreed to choose the initial four images within a page and add not only targeted keyword phrases but to take into account the new LSI algorithms. Seo Elite Advice - Image Alt Tag Stuffing is a No-No !

Seo Elite Review To Keyword Stuffing Within Website Content

Attempting to raise keyword density percentages by continually repeating keyword phrases within the content of your website will have a two fold effect. Firstly it will affect the flow of words to be read on the page by your visitors, and more times than not will just be a visual turn off. secondly it will drop your website like a stone from the Google top ten, even possibly sending your site back to the Google black hole. I personally find that a keyword density of between 1.5 and 2 percent is sufficient to beat your competitors in keyword density. Seo Elite Advice - Too High a Keyword Density is a No-No !

Seo Elite Review To Comment Tag Stuffing

Comment Tags are used to include design notes in the background source code when creating a website page. Comment tags are supposed to be used only for adding instructions or reminders to your html code; previously, these tags were used to artificially increase the keyword phrase count / proximity for targeted keyword phrases.

There was some time ago arguments that this comment tag stuffing technique worked, but it has always been a Black Hat SEO technique which could result in a drop out of the google top ten. These days this type of seo technique will not help your website, if anything it will either be ignored completely by Google or produce a negative search engine placement result. Seo Elite Advice - Comment tag stuffing is a No-No !

Seo Elite Review To Hidden Text

Text that is hidden from the view of website visitors by blending in the same colour text as the background colour was once, a very long time ago, a viable asset to building your website, these days it is generally regarded as the quickest way to see your website plummet out of the Google top ten and into oblivion. Seo Elite Advice - Hidden text is a resounding No-No !

Seo Elite Review To Reciprocal Linking

Linking to other websites has long been an effective way of gaining links back into your website. Reciprocal linking is where you have to give a link back in return for the privilege of linking to other websites. This in itself is a valid seo strategy, however, we have found that using this method exclusively to return links to your website can and does have a negative effect on being in the Google top ten search results. It is far better and more productive to use this strategy leniently, mixing in other methods of gaining one way back links into your website. Such strategies as article submission, directory submission and good old fashioned begging and pleading for a back link is more advantageous. Seo Elite Advice - Reciprocal linking on it's own is a No-No !

Seo Elite Review To IP Addresses

Interlinking various website addresses (url's) together that reside on one server (IP address) has long been a strategy used by webmasters to either attempt to get their websites indexed earlier or as a cheap way of getting back links into a site. Money of course plays a part as many people cannot afford the expense of more than one hosting account, especially when first starting out on their internet adventure. We have found that this type of strategy is totally worthless and will in no way help your website gain anything other than a swift exit from the Google top ten. Seo Elite Advice - Using one IP address for several websites and then interlinking them is a No-No !

Seo Elite Review To Buying Site Wide Links

Buying Links from websites is a quick way of getting your website noticed on the world wide web, however, buying site wide links such as footer or sidebar links across a website with over 100 pages has been found to be another way of dropping out of the google top ten. Currently it is unclear as to how the Google algorithms work out such a strategy and our Seo Elite Advice - Buying site wide links is a No-No !

Seo Elite Review To Link Relevance

Relevancy seems to be the 'buzz' word abounding the internet at this time, especially within the seo community. Gaining links back to your website solely from irrelevant web pages will not assist you in either getting your website to the Google top ten or even keeping it within the holy grail of search positions.

An example would be similar to this ... Mr. Jones has a website relevant to 'bread making', Mr. Jones in his wisdom sets about gaining links back to his site from all and sundry. he finds that his back link count is increasing exponentially, however, all of these links are from off topic sites such a car mechanics, hairdressers, dog kennels etc. This scenario is one that will definitely in the long term not assist with his Google ranking. if anything Mr. Jones now finds himself in the depths of page 40 on Google with little or no prospect of ever gaining those Google top ten positions. Seo Elite Advice - Getting all your links from irrelevant websites is a definite No-No !

Seo Elite Review To Link Anchor Text

Anchor text is widely used by webmasters to add relevancy to their link text on websites. This can and does increase the keyword relevancy of any website wishing to rank well for a chosen keyword phrase. The major drawback to this type of strategy comes when the same link anchor text is used repeatedly across a large number of websites. We would suggest that you mix and match different keyword phrases into your anchor text links. This is again where the word relevancy comes into play and is far more advantageous to getting those Google top ten positions. Seo Elite Advice - using the same keyword phrase repeatedly in your anchor text is a No-No !

This article is by no means the final installment on ranking your website in the Google top ten, since search engine algorithms and resources are continuously evolving and refining. However, it is our intention to keep you informed of the most relevant information, we hope you have enjoyed our seo elite review of Google top ten no-no's and that the information contained within assists you in gaining those top positions within the Google search results.

David 'Goldie' Edwards is a search engine optimizer and website designer working from his UK office. His SEO Elite Services gives clients the opportunity to further enhance their SEO & Website Design Skills.

Other Seo Elite Articles in the series include an Seo Elite Review Of Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI). Keep your eyes peeled for many more informative Seo Elite reviews designed to get your website to the top of the major search engines.

Article Marketing - Key Words? What Are They and How Do They Relate to Article Marketing? Part III

In the last two articles you learned what key words are, what they are used for both from the perspective of a user or consumer (using key words to sort through data) and from the business owners perspective, (a way to identify groups of people with an interest in a specific topic).

In the last article I used the key words, *computer repair* as an example and said that this set of key words had been searched for 25,000 times in a month. Then we talked about how as a computer business owner, it is useful to know that information if you are looking for new customers.

Then, at the end of the article, I suggested that if you were a computer business owner you might ask how you would get your name in front of these potential customers. After that I asked a question that is an important part of understanding the potential of any business opportunity, and that is, how many other people are there trying to get their name in front of these potential customers?

You see, to fully understand the potential of an opportunity, not only do you have to know how many people might be interested in a particular product or service, but you have to know how much competition there is trying to supply that group with what they are looking for. In academia, they call this the law of supply and demand.

Let's look at the potential from two different perspectives to help you learn how you can determine the potential of an opportunity for yourself. But first you have to know about another number that is tracked on the internet. That is how many websites there are that provide information for a key word or key word set.

For example, if I did a search right now, try this for yourself if you like, on Google for the key words, *computer repair*, I see that Google says there are 9 million 620 thousand results for that search. Suddenly the 25,000 searches for the key words *computer repair* doesn't seem to be that large of a number. What does that tell us? It tells us that there is a lot of competition for people looking for information about computer problems.

Do you think it is going to be easy to make a lot of money fixing computers? In this example, it doesn't look like it. Not only are you going to have to spend a lot of money to stand out on the Internet to get your company noticed, but you will have to provide great service at a very competitive price to get your share and keep any of that business.

Just to contrast it, what if there were only 5,000 results total? Now, you have found an opportunity. Now back to the previous question, and that is how you are going to get the name of your company in front of these 25,000 potential customers. This is where the fun begins, because this is where article marketing ties all of these pieces together. Again, assuming from the research you did, you found this to be an opportunity you wanted to pursue.

What if Dan Iverson could show you how to write about any topic on earth and make money? He'll teach you how to better understand human nature as it relates to e-commerce; how people, from their perspective, come to make a purchase on the Internet. I am talking about learning how you can pick a topic of interest, write about it, and with the right tools and a little research find connections between your readers and real products and services, of which you can become an affiliate and make money. Here is the best part. I will teach you all of this absolutely free. That's right, click on this link and you'll get the full Affiliate Masters Course Free. This is no joke, I promise once you start to read this course, you will see and learn the logical system of affiliate and information marketing. It will open your eyes to the greatest and most versatile opportunity in known history: the Internet. Even if you have a website, you can use these techniques. http://aggressiveinternetmarketing.net/free-tool.html

Article Marketing Titles - Targeting Your Audience in Your Article Title

The next thing you want to think about is, what do people want to know about the topic. So, sticking to our big blue new toy example, what are some things that people want to know about it?

Notice that I ask, what are some things that people want to know about it, not what are some things you want people to know about it. That is a crucial distinguishment.

It is about the people reading the article, not about you. Give them what they want to read, not what you want them to read. Answer their questions, and then they will see you as an expert, and become likely to want to get more information from you.

So what are some things people might want to know about the big blue new toy?

How about:

How fast is it?

How big is it?

How much is it?

How many are available?

Where can I find one?

How does it work?

Now there are certainly many more, but for the sake of space and repetitiveness, I will use those as examples.

So what are some titles I can create, using these questions:

Take a look:

Big Blue New Toy - How fast is the Big Blue New Toy?

Big Blue New Toy - How big is the Big Blue New Toy?

Big Blue New Toy - How much is the Big Blue New Toy?

Big Blue New Toy - How many of the Big Blue New Toy are available?

Big Blue New Toy - Where can I find the Big Blue New Toy?

Big Blue New Toy - How does the work Big Blue New Toy?

So you can see that just using the basic questions people might ask and the keyword phrase itself, I have created a number of article titles that are going to rank in the search engines quite highly.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Do you want to learn how to build a massive list fast? Click here: Email List Building

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 400 articles in print and 8 published ebooks.

Quality Links Equals Higher Conversion Rate

Articles about getting Quality Links have been posted throughout the Web but do you really understand Quality when linking is involved?

Find Out Your Niche

Every business has its own niche and its own market. Unless you are a universal globalized business, you should be able to good use of linking strategies to convert curious visitors into potential buyers. Knowing your niche is your first path to success.

Where They Visit

Now that you know who and where is your market, get ready to do some serious in depth studies. Find out which are the websites that your potential customers normally visit and generate a whole long list of them. By knowing where your potential customers might visit, you can easily target your advertisements.

Shortlisting The Candidates

Now that you got a long list of all the possible websites, it is time to choose which are the ones that are more related to your business and group them into a smaller list. Rank these possible websites accordingly to their Alexa traffic ranks, retain the top 200 websites.

Advertising Or Exchange Links?

Whether you are going to advertise or make links exchange will depend on which type of websites they belong to. Free services, business-orientated, articles, directories or etc.. Naturally, exchanging links and creating some sort of a partnership would eventually be the cheapest and the easiest way out. Alternatively, you can also consider exchanging advertising space with those business-orientated websites which can benefits both parties. Whichever way you decide, getting links from these shortlisted websites are known as quality links.

Rif Chia is the Founder & Private SEO Consultant of EzBusinessNeeds.com with more than 5 years experiences in SEO Web Design Consultancy and Search Engine Marketing

Exclusive Article Marketing Secrets - Learn How To Create A Killer Bio That Gets Results

Article marketing is a very lucrative way that you can earn a living online without spending any money advertising. However, it is time intensive to write the articles. If you have not yet succeeded with other methods of advertising then try this and you will have a much better chance of making it online.

In this article I would like to go over some techniques that will help you to get the most out of the bio that you create. This is one of the most overlooked aspects of article marketing that many marketers fail to maximize their results in the bio.

The very first step is to create a squeeze page and include the link for your squeeze page in the bio. The primary goal of the traffic you get to your web site is to capture email addresses so that you can market over and over again to your targeted prospects.

It is very important that you include your 30 second elevator pitch in your bio. This is the sales pitch that you need to give or your unique selling proposition. Your reader of your article will make up their mind in a few seconds whether they will visit your web site. So it is very important to make a good impression.

Also it is very important not to put your link too far away from the start of the paragraph. People read from left to right. So if you bury your link then there will be less chance that they will actually click on it.

Finally, if you offer a free ebook for download more people will take you up on your offer as this is seen as more valuable than a free report.

Are you really interested in driving massive traffic to your website?

Here's the answer:

Secrets Of Article Marketing - Download your free ebook now.

Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.

My Deepest Article Marketing Secrets! - Part 5

I think a good author's resource box is short and sweet. An author's resource box that is written in the style of a classified ad and explains your credentials as well as the benefits of the offer works well.

What I've seen people do to increase their results from article marketing is also to break up a very long article into different parts, so there is part 1, part 2...but leaving them wanting more by having the remainder of your article on your website is a great tactic. I haven't used it myself before, but I know others are having success with it. It leaves things hanging and that always gets click-throughs.

A little enthusiasm in your resource box surely helps, and you do need to be enthusiastic about your products and be willing to put on the sales hat online to make sales, but too much of the hyperbole and people do get turned off. So probably a balance would work.

[b]How To Outsource Article Writing[/b]

I personally use freelancers myself to write some of my articles; I'm looking for volume but I'm also looking for quality. So before I hire a writer, I'd always check out their samples first. And if they are good, I hire them to write articles for me.

I typically get a batch of 10-20 articles first before doing anything of a more bigger scale or giving my writers repeat projects. I like to make sure they are producing quality work.

If you're doing article marketing, be in it for the long-term. There's a lot of patience required to see some tremendous results from article marketing, but the wait will be well worth it, and you'll get some pretty nice long-term traffic.

Fabian Tan is the author of the free 51-Page Report:

"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"

Head over to http://www.MurderYourJob.com to get your free copy now before it's gone!

Breakthrough Article Marketing - Revealed - 4 Popular Ways to Increase Your Article Marketing

Article marketing is considered as one of the best content-based marketing solutions in the internet today. It is commonly used by marketers to distribute information to their potential clients to build rapport and establish their expertise on their chosen niche. In return, they get quality inbound links for their website that help them to pull up their search engine ranking and increase their website traffic.

Here are the 4 popular ways to increase your article marketing:

1. Hire ghostwriters. You don't have to do the legwork. You can hire competent and reliable ghostwriters who can provide you with great, well-written articles for reasonable prices. Don't know where to find great ghostwriters? You can simply visit various freelancing sites. Although you will need to shell out your precious dimes in this technique, you can surely buy yourself more time that you can use to better promote your products using other marketing and promotional techniques.

2. Automate your submission. Manually submitting your articles to hundreds of article submission sites and directories can take a lot of time and energy. Thus, I recommend using automatic submission software that can electronically distribute your articles in just few seconds.

3. Widely publish your articles. Be aggressive in posting your articles online to better connect with your potential clients. Aside from publishing sites, you can also post your articles to blogs, forums, social networking sites, and on your website. You can also use them when you publish your ezine or create your own ebook.

4. Bank on your content. To increase the chances of your articles being read and widely republished, make sure that they offer valuable and useful information. In addition, they must also be well-written, direct to the point, easy to understand, and fact-based.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Article Marketing - Announcing 6 Comprehensive Secrets to Supercharge Your Article Marketing

As the internet becomes more and more popular, the demand for information-based marketing techniques (such as writing and distributing articles) has increasingly grown. Today, it is considered as one of the best methods in driving targeted clients to websites and converting them into buyers.

1. Bank on your content. Your primary goal in writing and submitting articles on publishing sites is to entice your readers to click on your resource box. The best way to achieve that is by giving online users great content that showcases your knowledge on your chosen field. When your potential clients feel that you are really good on what you do, they are most likely to trust you and take your recommendations.

2. Write more. As you know, the number of your submissions equate to the number of inbound links that you can obtain for your website. The more articles you write and submit, the greater your chances of improving your traffic and page ranking.

3. Optimize your content. Identify the keywords and key phrases that are usually used by your target market when they are using search engines. Incorporate these keywords on your content to make your articles highly searchable online.

4. Check on your progress. Make it a habit to check the performance of your articles at least once a week. Identify the articles that are generating impressive click through rates and learn the elements that make them successful online. Incorporate these elements to your other articles that are seldom read.

5. Proofread. Any error found on your articles can be a threat against your online credibility and professionalism. Thus, it is of out most importance that you manually check your articles before you post them online.

6. Submit to the best publishing sites. Pick article submission sites that have steady traffic and indexed by major search engines. These are the only sites that can help you realize your article marketing goals.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Lucrative Article Marketing - 5 Easy Methods to Excel at Article Marketing

If you are looking for ways on how you can obtain increased page ranking, improved targeted traffic, higher sales potential, and increased online revenue without shelling out money, you should give article marketing a try. It's one marketing method that has earned the nods of most webmasters because of its proven traffic-generating power and cost-effectiveness.

Here are the 5 easy methods to excel at article marketing:

1. You must be driven and result-oriented. Success in article marketing doesn't come overnight. You must be driven enough to consistently write numerous articles on a regular basis so you can quickly multiply your inbound links from article submission sites. It is important that you don't give up even if you don't see noticeable results within the first couple of months of writing and submitting your articles to publishing sites.

2. You must be resourceful. You need to know where to get valuable information that can help you create compelling and content-rich articles. This can tremendously help you as you should not write articles based on your ideas and opinions alone. To make your articles believable, they must be fact-based and backed up by credible resources.

3. You must be fair. Avoid personal biases on your articles so they will not sound one-sided. Stick to the facts and avoid interpreting them or overstretching the truth so you won't mislead your readers.

4. You must know how to empathize and it must show on your articles. People need someone who understands where they are coming from and understands the things that they are going through. Learn to empathize through your content and win your readers' trust.

5. You must be meticulous. You must not allow a single error to affect the quality of your articles by proofreading them before posting them online.

Want to learn how to sell high ticket products online? Download my brand new free guide here: "How to Sell High Ticket Products Online"

Sean Mize teaches a powerful, highly advanced system of creating and selling high ticket products online.

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Article Marketing Profits - Article Marketing Is A Number's Game

Many article marketers beginners don't notice any serious increase in traffic from writing articles, and this will lead them to the conclusion that this advertising method is useless.

Others believe that this strategy is mainly about getting backlinks to a website from the article directories themselves, and also from other webmasters who publish the articles. This couldn't be further from the truth. Let me show you how much traffic I get from my articles. I am talking about real visitors interested in what I have to offer.

Yesterday, I wrote 3 articles with a link to one of my websites in the forex niche. I've just checked my Ezinearticle account today, and I had 21 new visitors to my website. In fact, here is the count:

Article #1. 17 clicks
Article #2. 3 clicks
Article #3. 2 clicks

That's twenty two visitors. And this is only a couple of hours after my articles were accepted. I expect more than 100 clicks on these 3 articles alone over the next couple of weeks. Marketers who didn't notice an increase in click, sales and subscribers are obviously making some mistakes. Maybe they submitted only one article or two?

If it is the case, you need to know that article marketing is a number's game. The more article you get out there, the more money you will make. There is a right way and wrong way to do article marketing, and to really make a killing with article marketing, you need to learn how to get the most of our articles efforts.

I advise that you get a coach to show you how it works because you could waste hours and hours of your time with little to no results.

To learn more, download my Free Guide: "How To Earn $100K Per Year With Article Marketing".

Franck Silvestre makes thousands of dollars a year from affiliate and article marketing. Wonder what the secret to his success is? Discover how he does it at: http://www.mynetmarketingland.com/article-marketing/

Best Article Marketing - 3 Keys to Article Marketing

Article marketing is the best way to increase sales, visitors, and traffic over to a website. It is very important to acknowledge the fact that when in the internet, information offers many opportunities available to you. Here are 3 keys to article marketing:

1. The most important thing in an article is the content. The information written in the article must answer the questions that your viewers will possibly ask concerning a product that they are interested in. Most often, increase in sales and site promotions are contributed to well-made articles. Also, releasing your article about your product at the right time is a sound strategy. Example is release your winter-used product before the coming of winter.

2. One article is never enough to draw a crowd of prospective customers. It is advisable than when going into article marketing to promote your product or your site, it is always a good choice to make more than one article regarding a certain topic. You could also put some variety in your different articles by using an assortment of approach. An example is if one of your articles is purely informative, you can make another article that is more on promoting and sales.

3. When your articles are done, spread them around. You can scout around the internet for sites where you can place links to your articles, especially sites with more traffic and visitors. Also, subscribing to a search engine is the best way to make your articles reach as many readers as possible, giving you enough elbow room in gaining enough viewers to be interested in your own product through your articles. In addition, you can subscribe to sites which offer free postings for your articles like blogs and social networking sites. This way, you are opening different doors for your own business.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published eBooks.

Recommended Tools When You Put On The SEO Cap For Your Web Site

The name of the game is search engine optimization and there are 20 winners and a million losers. It is a massive game that is conducted each and every minute by the top search engines. The fun is the referee of the game tries to modify the format each minute, to make the game useful for the spectators, in this case the folks who search. This is a high stakes game with billions of dollars at stake and the rules change daily. The playing field changes daily and the folks who compete constantly change. Wow what a fun filled game this is. This game has consistently shown that the folks with the right tools win consistently and the ones who dont but with good ideas win at random and like shooting stars fade out real quick.

Search engine optimization is a tough game to play and there are penalties for foul play and this could mean thousands of missed opportunities for your business. The folks out there keep the secret strategies to themselves as they can profit a lot out of it. But a few folks who intend to make money or simply for the fun of helping others achieve the glory of being in the top 20, have developed very good nifty tools. This article is about these tools and the techniques behind them. Google ToolBar is the first and foremost tool that every website owner should have. This tool has much functionality like popup blocker etc. The feature that helps SEO is the page rank bar and the add-on features it provide. The Back links checker is capable of displaying all known back links for your webpage that is known to Google. The similar page feature is very helpful to know your competitors.

Lets look at the top 4 categories of tools needed for SEO:

1. Keyword Tools: the keyword density is the number of keywords present as a percentage of the total words in that page. The keyword density could really depend on what you are targeting and usually a trial and error. This tool provides the details about the density without counting them yourself each time. The other keyword tools are keyword suggestion and research tools that give the right keywords to employ for your optimization, keyword optimizers, keyword typos tool.

2. Page Rank tools: This is a broad category with many tools under this umbrella. The page rank checker is a simple tool to check your rank and also some versions provide the rank of the competition as well. There are some additional nifty tools like the Google dance tool and the future page rank checker.

3. Meta Tag related tools: Meta tags are needed to describe the webpage for the search engines and other bots. The tools under this umbrella are Meta Tag generators, Meta Tag analyzers, Meta Tag replicator.

4. Link Analyzers: This contains the back links checker, the broken link finders, sitemap generators, Link popularity checkers, Link suggestion tools, Internal link density checkers, I also found a good one - link relevancy checker. These tools are very very important for your page rank if not for your search results.

Most of these tools with basic features can be found for free and there are some good tools that need special licensing and most of them provide a good way to reach the top 20 and be part of the winners and not be in the millions of folks who loose for each and every keyword. There are many keywords you can target and be part of the top 20. The first step is choosing a less competitive keyword and get to the top 20. Well before you put that SEO cap to get down and dirty, please go through the suggested tools in this article. There are a few good tools that have a demo period for you test out whether it is suitable for you. One such product is the SEO Elite.

For more resources on SEO and to try out some good tools you can visit http://www.seo-software-tool-experts.com You can download a free trial version of a good search engine optimization and web site ranking tool from the website as well the SEO Elite v3.

Article Marketing Strategy Secrets

Article marketing can be extremely powerful for your business if you apply this strategy correctly. However like anything it does take work and if the correct article marketing strategy is used then your business will see very good results. Most people write a few articles and then they give up. If you are not doing article marketing for your business then you are missing out on a very important part.

Let us look at the main reasons you may want to consider doing article marketing for your business. The first is that leads generated from article marketing are much more responsive and convert up to ten times better than leads from other sources. The second reason is that if you use it effectively you will generate long term search engine rankings that will drive serious traffic to your web site.

Now let us look at a very successful formula that you can use to write quality articles. You need to write articles based on the attention, interest, desire and take action formula.

Your title needs to grab your readers interest so that they will read your article. Your opening paragraph needs too generate enough interest so that they will continue reading your article. The rest of the article will focus on desire where you highlight the problems that they are experiencing and propose your solution. The conclusion will help the reader to take action.

Using the correct article marketing strategy is really profitable for your business. I was advertising using ppc, reciprocal link exchanges and banner adverts. After discovering this technique I have mainly concentrated on this method of marketing as it has produced very good results and does not cost a cent. Just think if you were to start today how much free traffic you could be generating in three months time from search engines.

Would you like to know more about the magical marketing techniques that have helped me to quit my day job? I have just completed my new guide.

Download it free here: Secrets Of Internet Marketing

Here's your chance to drive massive traffic to your web site: Secrets Of Article Marketing

Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.

Optin List Building - 3 Effective Opt In List Building Tips

Yes it's the truth. In order to make any type of long term income from the internet you need to concentrate on opt in list building.

Without your own opt in list you'll simply never be able to harness the real money making potential of your business.

These tips should help you out.

Tip #1 - Use as many proven list building list methods as you possibly can. Don't try to re-invent the wheel.

Use what works such as: writing and submitting articles, ezine advertising, coregistration, etc.

The bottom line is, you need alot of quality leads and the more you add to your funnel, the more profits you will make.

Spend atleast ninety-five percent of your time on your optin list building for maximum results.

Tip #2 - Give away plenty of freebies in return for names and email addresses. This cannot be stressed enough. If you want to excel with opt in list building then you will need to give your potential prospects something for free in order to get them on your list.

Make your freebie special. Not something that can be easily found somewhere else. It needs to be something you created. It needs to be personal and offer real helpful and useful content.

Don't be afraid to go all out on this. The better your freebie the more responsive your list will be.

Tips #3 - Make it easy for your potential prospects to sign up to your list. You should use a very short web page with a great headline. Just add a few bullet points hinting at the benefits of joining your list.

Then use a simple subscribe box where they have to enter their first name and email address.

That's it. Keep it simple. That's the best way to get great results with your opt in list building.

Do you want to know how I build my internet business and make thousands of dollars per month from home?

Download my Free Report that'll show you:

"How To Quickly And Easily Build An Opt In List Of Hyper Responsive Subscribers Who Are Willing To Spend Money With You Right Now!"


Gary has been a successful, full time internet marketer for over 11 years. He has created list building campaigns that have earned as much as $22,000 in a single day. If you want to know how to build a hyper responsive list and squeeze it for every penny you can, then listen to what Gary says.


List Building: Getting Traffic to Your Squeeze Page

So, you've got this great squeeze page sitting out there in cyberworld, and it's all ready for list building in your particular niche. But think about this: At last count, Google indexed something like 8 billion pages! With all that competition for eyeballs, will your site ever be seen?

You need traffic.

One way, a really great way to get people to your list building page, is by writing articles, and they're great for several reasons. First, when you have an article published, you get a certain "air of expertise," let's say.

Plus, at the end of every article, or in some directories, you get to place links to your list building page or any other program you might be offering. You should concentrate on using a link to your list building page, though, until you've built an enormous list.

The links in those articles stay around as long as the article does, pretty much forever. When people search Google or another search engine for "list building," they'll find my articles, whether it's now or several years from now.

When you have articles distributed, other directories pick them up, so now you have this whole network of articles out there, with your list building link in it.

One-way links are worth their weight in gold, and they're even better, if the page your article is on carries any page rank. That helps your page rank, too.

You may be wondering, Where do I get ideas?

That's easy! Ideas are all around you!

Find a good blog in your niche. Go check out other sites. Read newsletters and forums in your niche. Those should jog your creativity. Ideas are all around you!

You have a list building squeeze page, right? If not, go build one. List building is the first thing you need to start doing online, if you want to make money. So, if you don't have a list building page up, go do that. Then, worry about writing articles.

Just don't stop. If you're determined to get this done, you will. But if you decide you just don't want to do this, do you have more time or more money?

If you have more money, hire writers and pay someone else to write for you.

Just don't hesitate. Do it now!

Tellman Knudson is CEO of OvercomeEverything, Inc. Learn how to build a powerful and responsive list quickly through his premiere list-building course, MyFirstList.com.

5 Easy Steps for Best Marketing Results

There are essentially 5 easy steps, following which you can get the maximum for your marketing and exposure of the product on the Internet.

Quite simply most people use search engines to find out about the various products, personalities, listing, companies and services on these 4 big ones. Clearly if you are not present on any of these, then you are a loser.

However if you are present on any of them, chances are that you can be found on all of them, thus from here you have already started getting exposure. These are

- Goggle
- Yahoo
- Ebay
- Amazon

The 5 easy steps are

1. Build a Google friendly website

This essentially means that when a search is performed, you should be listed among the top ten on the search. If you are among the top ten, then you can get the maximum exposure.

Lets face it, when searching for keywords; the first ten have the maximum number of hits as compared to others. This is what gets the maximum exposure leading to the moolah.

Some of the resources that you can utilize are

- Search engine optimization getting a higher ranking using bullet lists to guide robots
- Twelve steps to highest search engine placement
- Seven reasons a web site can be de listed by search engine

2. http://www.prweb.com

This is a free site. Here you can write your own product review and post it on the site as a press release. By doing this you achieve the following

- Google robots find a link from the website and you can be placed on a better Google ranking, helping you to get maximum exposure
- Gives a chance to the media to read about your product.

Visit the site and you can learn more about it and how to use it more for your advantage

3. Create a listing for your product at ebay

Ebay has an immense product category having many sub categories. Plus there are millions of users who are both buyers and sellers. Listing your product on ebay can give you instant exposure. Not only that you get listed on the Google website too. This is because Google and ebay have an affiliate arrangement. Therefore if you are searching on Google, then an ad word will point to ebay.

Listing on Ebay also gives you exposure to a number of other search engines as well.

4. Amazon.com

Amazon is a wonderful site on which you not only get instant eyeball but there is a potential of sale for the products that you have listed. Distributors, resellers, buyers, researchers etc can review your product.

5. Using the Google ad words

This is a very simple and an effective way of getting your product to be seen by the right people. What you would do essentially is to add a list of keywords and phrases with your product therefore when any person searches for these keywords or phrases, their search result immediately yield your product.

Therefore there is instant exposure. Google and Ebay have an arrangement. Therefore the listing on ebay also appears on Ebay and vice versa. In a sense, you get dual exposure.

There are many other websites, which have arrangement with Google, therefore Google ad words are also used by them, whenever some body performs a search on the phrases and keywords that you have associated with your product or ad.

Coverage on the 4 big ones

Getting a full coverage on the four big search engines optimizes your exposure of the ad. In this way, more number of people can see the ad. This can lead to further potential sales for the products and the services that you developed or wish to sell.

This article was written by Craig Dawber of smarket.co.uk Need advice and guidance with your online business check out the resources found in this website.

Article Marketing - Attention Grabbing Brand Specific Articles Market Your Business

Are you still looking for a great way to market your online business? There isn't a better way than to add marketing articles to the internet and wait for them to do their job - whilst you write more articles.

You know, the most embarrassing part of article marketing is when you think you've arrived and you stop. Oops, what'd you do that for? You still have more to say? Get out there and say it with articles that snap heads and grab attention. Brand your Market with articles that drive traffic to your business. But don't stop.

When you stop, the traffic slows down, you run out of products, and you lose ground. Keep writing. It doesn't take much. Three or four articles take only an hour or so in the morning, and you can easily multiply your article marketing treasure trove with 15 new articles a week. But then, why would you? Why not learn to write those articles faster?


Nab a topic, whatever your keywords are works for the first two words, and then add a line that minces no words. It must grab your readers attention and glue their eyes to the screen. Everyone wants to know something about your topic. Tell them!

Ask Questions?

Yeah, ask. You won't know the answer if you don't ask, and you know your reader is asking the questions. So ask questions as an intro to your article. Then ask them again. You might even magnify the option by allowing your reader to find their own solution. Have you asked them recently?

Answer the question.

No, you don't have to answer every question you ask. Some will be rhetorical and your reader already knows the answer. But be sure you offer enough solutions in your article to give the reader a reason to click on the link below. You might even ask a question that drives the reader to your website to find the answer.

How would you ask a question like that?

Jan Verhoeff loves the process of building business, so much so, that she helps others build their businesses and drive traffic to online money making opportunities, for that purpose. Go by http://janverhoeff.com and learn how you too can Make Money Online with Article Marketing and Brand Recognition.

Click on ADvertiZe and sign up for a FREE copy of my ADvertiZe eZine and you'll learn the answer to that and more questions. I love to find solutions, and they're easy to use as motivation, marketing tools, and much much more. Are you headed my way yet?

Best List Building - Latest 5 Powerful Methods to Advance with List Building

With the rise of spam emails, asking for people for their email addresses cannot be more difficult these days. That is why, you need to be equipped with advanced methods to explode your list building techniques. Some of them are the following:

1. Article marketing. One of the best ways to convince people to subscribe with you is to establish your expertise and credibility online. This can easily be done through writing and publishing your articles that are highly relevant to your target niche. To boost your sign-up rate, make sure that all your articles are content-rich, informative, well-written, and timely.

2. Offer freebies. People just love getting something for free. Give your potential registrants free information through ebooks or articles in exchange of their subscriptions.

3. Improve your website's appearance. Aside from making sure that your website contains valuable and useful information, you also need to make it visually appealing so you can effectively attract and convince more people that you are a professional who is running a legitimate business.

4. Advertise. The competition in grabbing the attention of online users is cutthroat. Thus, you need to be more aggressive in promoting your list to get ahead of the pack. Advertise your list through paid placement, banner ads, and PPC advertising. Though you need to shell out some of your marketing budget in these techniques, you can be assured that search engines will drive interested traffic to your sign-up page.

5. Forum posting. Find and join relevant forums and discussion boards that are frequented by your potential clients. Create useful posts, offer solutions, and impart your knowledge to establish your expertise. Don't forget to include the URL of your sign-up page on every post you make.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

SEO Marketing - 3 Proven Methods That All Webmasters Need To Use!

What is SEO marketing? Well, SEO marketing in a nutshell is all about building traffic to your site. There are various ways in which you can market your site on the internet. Of course every webmaster knows that its so important to gain good traffic levels to a website. But the question remains, how can you build and obtain high rankings for your website.

Well, what you need to do is build links and have a good website optimized for the search engines. To market your site on the web, lets take a look below at the most common ways of building back links and perhaps other website SEO techniques that can help your website to obtain the ranking you are looking for within the search engines.

So here below are some link building methods -

1. Internet directory submissions -

Directory submission is a great way to build links to your site. It is the most effective and known method of building a high amount of back links to your website. The submission of your website to search engine friendly directories and related categories within the directories can really increase the rankings of a website over time. If you do this method the free way, it may take a while before your link is approved by the directory. However, it really is a great way to build links to your site.

2 Blog and forum posting -

These two types of ways to build links can be very effective indeed. Posting with informative comments on forums and blogs with a link pointing back to your site will not only gain you a back link, but it will also result in traffic to your site. As long as you have informative and useful comments to make, you will spark interest amongst the people on the forum and you will gain credit for that because people will develop trust due to your input.

3. Article marketing -

This has to be one of the favorites amongst webmasters marketing their sites on the net. You simply write articles ranging from 250 -700 words in length about your niche. At the bottom of your article, include a link that points back to your website. This will help you to drive traffic to your site. You then submit them to article directories like ezinearticles and goarticles. These article directories get a lot of traffic and you stand a very good chance of people in your niche reading your articles.

Following these tips, you should be well able to boast your website pages in the search engines. It important to make sure you are on top of the game and your competitors. I use a piece of software that really helps me with my SEO on my websites.

It saves me a lot of time and money and boasts traffic to my sites. I have had web pages that rank in the top 5 position for very competitive keywords thanks to this software. What to know what it is? Then please visit the link below

If you would like to learn more about the SEO Elite Reviews, please visit http://its-about-internet-marketing.blogspot.com/

Why Should You Write Useful Articles?

Maybe you have seen the article generation light. Now, you realize that you may have lost some ground in search engine optimization, by failing to react to the need for unique content on your Blogs and web sites.

What should you do to produce articles as soon as possible? Many businesses, and website owners, respond with a vengeance, by creating quick articles. Are the articles produced going to be useful to your customers and prospects? This will take a bit of planning. For example, you could create useful articles by elaborating on your current frequently asked questions (FAQs).

If you do not have an FAQ page, your articles can be recycled into a very useful tool for prospects. Recycling your articles is a great way to use your article more than once. In the long run, recycling will also save you time.

I am not talking about article mashing, one good article into one hundred senseless articles, with software. Many people love parrots, but who wants to read one hundred articles written by a parrot? Articles have to say something more than the same message over, and over, again.

Hence the words unique content, effectively describe what readers and search engines are looking for. Customers want as much information as possible about your product or service. While search engines spiders look for original, relevant, and unique content, as they patiently crawl the web.

A few well written articles could become an SEO magnet to your site, a free report, an FAQ page, and part of your newsletter. You can be as creative with recycling as you like, but tweak your copy, so that it is useful to your readers. Your articles will help you establish a trusted long-term relationship with your readers, prospects, and customers.

Copyright 2007 Paul Jerard / Aura Publications

Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500, has written many books on the subject of Yoga. He is a co-owner and the Director of Yoga Teacher Training at: Aura Wellness Center, in Attleboro, MA. http://www.riyoga.com He has been a certified Master Yoga Teacher since 1995. To receive a Free Yoga e-Book: "Yoga in Practice," and a Free Yoga Newsletter, please visit: http://www.yoga-teacher-training.org/index.html

SEO Strategy - Obtaining Better Link Popularity

Of all the aspects of effective Internet marketing, applying the important aspects of search engine optimization (SEO) serves as the most vital aspect to fine tuning you online marketing campaigns.

As thousands, or perhaps millions of Web pages exist today, you need to create a good-quality Web site for your business, as well as working hard to promote it, and not get lost in the maze that is the Worldwide Web. You and the SEO expert or firm should devise an effective strategy for promoting your site, and the strategy should be well documented with a more focused approach, and will require a lot of planning, patience and long term approaches.

Choosing An Appropriate Title For your Site's Title Tag

This is also an important step to take, since the title tag is the first thing that the major search engines will see, so you need to always have the correct keywords in your title, and then followed by your site's name. This includes other sections of your site, not just the main page.

Make Your Site Is Neat, Easily Readable, And Not Too Cluttered

You also need to plan your site's layout and appearance with a neat, easily readable layout, instead of it looking too cluttered or messy. This will be good for your online visitors and the search engines as well. Even with a CMS, you should select a CMS that allows you control over it's layout and to make sure that it is neat and does not have too much unnecessary images or text that may confuse your online visitors.

A header section, a body section and a footer section is required. The body section must also contain the main part of your site's content. Navigation menus should be placed at the top or to the side.

Get Good Menu Names.

Ensure that you have proper names, which means keywords, for your anchor text in your menus. This is important because menus usually appear in every page of your site, and with every anchor text is a vote for your page, although this is not valued as an external inbound link.

Obtaining High Link Popularity

It's important that the Web sites that are pointing to your site must have related content, as search engines will give links from sites with related content more value. The second vital aspect to link quality is the actual words the other Web master utilizes in your link.

This is to make sure that the links pointing back to your website include your most relevant keywords in the link title. The art of SEO requires a focus on these important elements. Effectively optimizing your Web site content and obtaining high link popularity from quality links will absolutely help in improving your search engine rankings over time.

If you have think you're running out of budgets for promoting link popularity, link popularity can generally be increased primarily in two ways. The first method is by exchanging links with other web sites with similar content. The second method is by promoting articles that relate to your site, including a link to your site in the article and then submitting relevant articles on as many article directory sites as possible. Utilizing both methods is seen as truly effective; however, the latter is known to work much better.

http://7seo.com - 7 SEO

Vanessa A. Doctor from Jump2Top - SEO Company

Discover the Number 1 SEO Secret Weapon

Getting better search engine ranking is a very precise skill that a lot of top marketers have mastered. Nothing is better for your website then getting it listed on the front page of Google. The number one secret though that I want to share with you to achieve this goal is the secret of using backlinks.

So what are backlinks and how do you get them? Well backlinks are one way links that point to your site using anchor text that has your keyword in it. When it comes to search better search engine ranking you want as many of these links as possible on pages that have a high page rank. Google and all search engines rate and list your site based on these backlinks.

Here are some simple ways to get these links:

The first way is by actually contacting webmasters with high page rank. What you want to do is send them an email asking them to put a link on there page. Some will charge a fee and some will not. Sometimes this can be time consuming.

Another way is by joining a link exchange service. What this is is a service that will allow you to trade links with other people. They put your link on their site and in exchange you put their link on your site. You will want to create a separate "links" page though so your site does not appear too cluttered with links.

Another popular way to get back links is creating informative articles then submitting them to article directories. There are lots of sites that you can submit articles to. Just do a Google search and you should be able to find some good directories. This can be time consuming also but it will pay off for you.

So the secret that you need to know for successful search engine optimization and better search engine ranking is using backlinks. You will want to learn as much as you can about this subject. Google will rate your site and its relevancy on the number of backlinks you have pointing to your site. The more you have, the better off you will be. I hope you learned something from this article. If you'd like to know more please visit me website.

This article was written by Steven H. He is an internet marketer and an affiliate marketer. For more information on better search engine ranking please visit: BetterSearchEngineRanking.net

Write Articles to Promote Your Online Business

Business owners employ all kinds of strategies to get desired results in the highly-competitive world of online marketing. The key is to drive in targeted traffic to your website and then get the visitors converted into customers. For this to happen, you need an appealing website along with competent brand promotion strategies.

Most businesses today are aiming at optimising their websites for encouraging search engine optimisation results. Paid advertising, affiliate marketing and email marketing are some of the other most commonly used techniques by marketers. However, it is imperative to note here that most of these techniques involve the use of money in some or the other way.

Here lies the importance of article writing as a means of promoting a site. Highly effective, inexpensive and easily manageable, this strategy can truly take your business to new heights. The greatest advantage of writing articles is that you get to reach out to a targeted segment that comprises your potential buyers.

Produce good write-ups and then share or post them on online platforms like article directories and e-zines. By doing so, you ensure that your website is well-exposed in the online marketplace. You can get a link back from the directory where you submit your articles, or else, give information about your company in the resource box. Since link exchange strengthens off-page SEO, this tactic will do a world of good for your site.

More than anything else, these articles are free advertising tools for your website. If you write relevant and informative stuff, you are bound to get noticed, and that too by targeted customers who are looking for related topics. However, a writer has to ensure that his write-ups do not have a marketing touch, because many directories refuse to accept such articles.

One of the most effective means of website promotion is marketing through search engines. Writing articles can help you in this regard. Incorporate important keywords and write search engine friendly articles so as to attract search engine spiders and get your site crawled.

Once you have posted articles and shared them on online forums, you will start getting comments, references and testimonials from web users and webmasters. This will stand your site and business in good stead and further get you high-value traffic.

Lalita negi is currently working in epurplemedia an Internet Advertising & Marketing Company specialize in a wide variety of marketing services. It delivers effective solution in Website Promotion, PPC, web site development, email marketing etc to boost traffic to your business.

Article Marketing - Where to Submit Your Articles

What is Article Marketing?

In its simplest form, article marketing is a type of advertising through which a business writes short articles related to its respective industry. Once written, the business makes these articles freely available for distribution and publication in the marketplace. Each article contains a 'bio box' and 'by-line' which include references and contact information for the author's business. Well written content articles released for free distribution have the potential of gaining the author business credibility within his or her market, as well as new clients.*

It is easy to see the value of article marketing, if you understand that each time the article is published, you get free backlinks from your author box. The articles are not likely to get published on PR 9 sites, but a hundred links from PR 0-5 sites can build your PageRank. The more articles you publish, the more links you get.

How to Publish Your Articles?

There are some, who think you should only submit your articles to a few of the best article directories. They usually argue that 1. doing otherwise is only a waste of time, or 2. submitting the same article to more directories increases the amount of duplicate content, and makes your article rank even worse in search engines.

Now, on 1. I agree: you should not waste your time with low traffic article indexes, but submit to any that you think will benefit you. I have compiled a list of the most important ones for you below. On 2. however, I must totally disagree. The articles, if successful, will be published identical on a number of sites. Submitting to more directories only helps publishers find them, search engines are not going to ban the content any more than otherwise. Besides, I see backlinks as the most important use of articles, and submitting to directories always gives at least one link. Secondary traffic through articles coming up in search engines is only a bonus.

Where to Submit Them?

1. ArticleMarketer.com

They send your article out to publishers on their list. Submission to the complete publisher list is a paid service, but you can submit to the partial list with a free account. The only problem I have with Article Marketer is that they do not show the exposure information to free publishers.

2. EzineArticles.com

The largest directory with the most authors. You can get a free account with 10 submissions. Submit good articles and you may get a platinum account with unlimited submissions.

3. ArticleCodex.com

A newer and smaller directory, but Article Codex offers Revenue Sharing. You enter your AdSense publisher id, and your ads are shown on 50% of page loads on your articles. Profit while marketing your website. Articles are quickly accepted, unless they fail some formatting test.

4. ArticlesBase.com

Not very different from all the other article directories out there, but submission is easy, and articles get accepted easily. They have accepted all my articles without modification, and in just a couple of days.


Sutocu is the author of the webmaster resources Your Website Profit and Ad Network Reviews, and brings you the latest tech news