Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Search Engine Optimization and Article Marketing - Who Needs It?

Not everyone knows the value of the internet as a business and marketing tool, but they should. The internet has become a huge part of our lives and the lives of our consumers, and like it or not, that is not something that is going to change anytime soon. The internet has become the place to do business and to supplement the income/information available from a brick and mortar store. Even the tiniest shop owners are catching on to the idea of web sites and Enewsletters, and you should be, too.

Of course, having a web site isnt enough of a reason for people to want to buy from you. There should be plenty of content to keep your potential customers entertained and informed so that the chance that they will become actual customers only rises. This includes interesting information about your company and what you do, information about the products, and even articles relevant to your target market.

Selling the best baby bottle ever? Have an article or three on breast pumps, first-time mothers, or getting Daddy involved in feeding. Selling horse feed? Inform your customers about the best methods for grooming a show horse or the best way to grow feed. Keeping your customer interested will ensure that they bookmark your site and return again, hopefully making a purchase in the process.

To make those articles work double-duty for you, they should be written to attract the attention of search engines to place your web site higher in the rankings. How much more likely is it that customers will find your site if it is on the first page versus the third? The answer is that most people never even look past the first page of results.

Drawing people to your web site means drawing potential customers to your product. In the writing and internet worlds, these special articles are known as SEO, which is an acronym for Search Engine Optimized. These SEO articles are packed full of your keywords so that search engines rank your web site as extremely relevant.

You might think that anyone can write an SEO article, and to some extent that is true. You could probably come up with a page long article that mentions horse feed twelve times, but would it be interesting to read or relevant to your customers? Sure, youve attracted the search engines, but if customers roll their eyes at your obvious attempts to snag them, they are unlikely to explore the rest of your site.

The solution is to outsource writing for your web site to experienced writers. A good writer should be able to write an interesting and relevant article with up to a five percent keyword density. This means that up to five percent of the words in the article are your chosen key word. In other words, your word is used five times out of every one hundred words. That may not seem like a lot, but keep in mind that in a five percent density keyword article, this current paragraph would have used your keyword five times, both naturally and efficiently.

There are a few guidelines to keep in mind when you are outsourcing. The best advice we can think of is that if the price is incredibly low, the quality likely is, too. Best to spend a little more for great work than to settle for something your child could write. A second guideline deals with the density a good SEO article can be done with as little as one or two percent density for a single keyword. More can often mean better, but more than five percent and it becomes almost impossible to include the word without sounding artificial. Also, the more words in your key phrase, the less dense your article should be. (A five percent density of a five word keyword means that a full quarter of each paragraph is made up of your keywords, leaving little to no room for anything else.)

For a good writer, you dont even need to come up with a title or theme! Hand them a few key words and ask for three articles of a certain word length (400-600 words is average) and prepare to be amazed at what you get back. Not only will your business climb the search engine ranks, it will also boom with interested new business.

-Ben Anton 2007

We invite you to read more about web site search engines optimization at Mad Fish Info's home page. Located in beautiful Portland, Oregon, Mad Fish Info, is a Search Engine Marketing firm, specializing in getting web sites a top listing across all search engines.

There Is Power In Good Search Engine Optimization Using Easy Search Engine Marketing Strategies

Search engine optimization can make or break your website and therefore your online business will do little to nothing in the earning money aspect of internet marketing. Time spent learning proper SEO strategies will be time well spent and your time is valuable so don't waste it.

What does an internet marketing need to know for proper search engine optimization? Well to me you need to know more or at least apply more SEO knowledge than those site owners you want to pass in the search engines. It's that straight forward.

You can pay me or others to have your web pages optimized to give you the best bang for your buck in the search engines and that will get you listed higher which gives you a better chance at making a sale. Of course even if you get visitors it doesn't mean you sales copy will sell them, but that's for another day and another article, isn't it.

I always enjoy being paid but at the same time the teacher in me wants you to learn to do this for yourself so keep your money and read on...

Search Engine Optimization Strategy One:

Learn what others are doing to make their web page land on the first search engine results page. Discover all you can about each site that gets listing on the first two pages of results. At least the first two pages so you get an understanding and you will also find more than one strategy being used, so pay close attention.

How do you find those sites, well you have to use the keywords that represent your product to your target group. You will even learn of new keywords and phrases as you start to dissect your competitors web pages.

Example: If you are promoting 'car care products' then you go to Google and do a search for this term. Do two searches on this phrase and any other phrases you are using. One without quotes and one with quotes.

Doing two searches this way will let you know how many sites are out there promoting based on the exact same keyword phrase your are using.

Google: "car care products" = 606,000
Google: car care products = 38,200,000

From this you can see that there are 600 thousand pages out there about car care products and that means you would have a lot of competition.

Once you have your search engine results page for your search term in quotes start looking through the results and take notes.

What are you looking for?

1. You want to learn how they use the search term or keyword phrase on their page.

This means that you need to look at the headings and paragraphs to see how many times that phrase was used and the exact location it was used.

Was the phrase bolded or italized, is it in a header one, is the phrase a hyper link anywhere on the page?

Learn all you can from the browser page.

2. Open the source code for the web page you are researching and see what other keywords and phrases they use.

What are the other keywords? You will later do the same research on the new keywords you find.

If you do this and use the same strategies for keywords and phrase placement you will increase your own page ranking. Do this consistently and you will be able to pass those that are ranked ahead of you.

Look for other strategies from us on search engine optimization strategies that work.

About the Author

James Mann has been a computer hardware/software instructor and consultant for more than 20 years. James has been conducting business on the internet for the past 6 years and specializes in web site design, web graphics and search engine optimization.

James likes to help people succeed, like most marketers helping others only helps us and that is how James lives and works.

Learn About Search Engine Optimization Strategies That Work

Google's NEW Ad Serving Solution - Ad Manager Limited Beta Launching

Only two days after their acquisition of DoubleClick, Google soft launched Ad Manager to address the issue that publishers could spare more quality time providing the best content, instead of managing their own ad space. Many publishers do a challenging effort to maintain and manage their inventory to make sure the campaigns are served on time.

Google Ad Manager is a free, hosted ad and inventory management tool that can help publishers sell, schedule, deliver and measure their directly-sold and network-based ad inventory.

Now publishers can have more time resources to work on their user's experience. They can achieve maximized results while reducing ad management efforts. In simple words, less time, more control, more money using Google Ad Manager.
So what does Ad Manager feature to support its words?

Some of its key features are:

  • Inventory management. Simple ad tag generation and management
  • Yield optimization. Automatically maximize your CPMs or you can use AdSense to fill unsold inventory or compete on price against other ad networks.
  • Ad targeting. Target ads to your site visitors' geography, bandwidth, browser, browser language, operating system, and domain
  • Trafficking, ad delivery, and order booking
  • Creatives and rich media management
  • Multiple reporting options
  • User interface navigation
  • Account administration
  • Reliable inventory forecasting: Always know what inventory is available to sell.
Here are some questions from their FAQs may also popped out in your mind:

  1. Does Ad Manager require exclusivity? No. Ad Manager doesn't require exclusivity. You're free to use other ad management and ad serving products along with Google Ad Manager or switch to another provider at any time.
  2. Will I be restricted to AdSense as my ad network? No. You can use any ad network you like. With Google Ad Manager, you can optionally enable AdSense to deliver the best-paying ad source for each impression.

You may also asked, what's in it for Google? Well, since it's a free service, it's rather obvious they want to get more people join into their system. I don't mind that.

So, should you apply for Ad Manager? If you still manage your own ads because you have no problems doing so, go sign up and learn how ads are professionally managed to prepare yourself when your network becomes larger (this is your purpose, right?). And if you're now stirred with arranging your ad inventories which takes up half of your time in a day, you can hire someone to take over the job, or apply Ad Manager for free!

For more internet based home biz resource, ways to make money online through blogging, get paid to industry and freelancing, quickly head to Louis's HomeBiz Resource!

SEO Elite - A Review To Search Engine Optimization

SEO is a way of increasing the quantity of web site traffic from search engines through organic search results of queries that users enter into the search box. The earlier a web page is shown in the search results can normally lead towards higher rankings of a keyword and more visits to the page are a result. SEO Elite can be one way to achieve fast indexing of a web page.

  • How to achieve high ranking keywords:
  • The "SEO Elite" tool is one of many ways to achieve high ranking, this tool will allow you to analyze your competitors onpage and offpage optimization in various ways. Another great tool is Keyword Elite which not only allows you to create a extensive list of thousands of keywords in minutes, but lets you know exactly how easy it is to optimize a keyword, which keywords pay the most - for Adsense Publishers and so much more.

    High Alexa ranked web sites is another huge factor in gaining the high ranking you desire as these create a trust factor which is passed down to the link contained within the document. Page Rank is another factor, it's been said that the Page Rank of a document doesn't really help in your keyword ranking, but really this is another trust factor that is assigned to a page in a form of importance. The more important and relevant a page is, the higher the page rank is assigned to it. A Page Rank can also be achieved by having a web site or page link coming off a high PR page, approximately a share of 85% of this value is passed down to the links on that page. The fewer links on this page the more of the page rank is shared to the destination url.

    Backlinks is one of the most important aspects of gaining high keyword ranking. The more you have pointing to a page the higher you will rank. The technique used is to use anchor text links where the text link will be your keyword and or phrase you are hoping to rank for. It's important not to use the same anchor text links all the time and make variations of this text to make it look more like a natural way a person would use. Using too many of the same links just doesn't look natural.

    SEO Elite will help you find link partners through various sources. It also allows you to find relevant web sites that you can ask for back links. Or find one way back links or two way - reciprocal links from partners from Link Directories, another good way to achieve fast indexing of a page.

    Another important factor to high keyword ranking is taking close attention to the title of the page that you wish to get a one way back link - the most powerful of all links. Search engines work off relevancy and a trust factor. When you're looking for back links, try to find web site pages that contain the phrase or keyword you want to achieve highly searched ranked positions. Taking your time working out a plan using SEO Elite and Keyword Elite will make the difference between ranking highly and not at all.

    I Class myself as an intermediate Search Engine Optimizer. I've just started my new SEO Forum and I'm currently in the middle of creating an e-book on how to achieve 1000+ visitors a day using SEO tools and simple onpage optimization techniques, a SEO Elite Review can be seen here. I welcome anyone to my forum to ask any questions about Search Engine Optimization.

    10 Search Engine Optimization Tips

    1. Title tag- The title tag is the single most important piece of content for people who search.

    -Keep it short--8-10 Words (60 Characters with space) -Start with most important keyword (Not Your company name) -Combine the important keywords by using "|"

    2. Description tag -Write a summary of your page. -Must to include ( Less than 30 words)

    3. Size of The Page Should not exceed 100 KB.

    4. Don't forget to use Heading1 and Heading2 tags. It's very much important.

    5. Bold, italicize, and underline your keywords.

    6. Place your keyword at the top left side and end-right side of your webpage. You can creatively include your keywords in the copyright footer of your webpage.

    7. Check out the backlinks of your competitors. Search on Google '' link: www.YourCompetitor.Com." Then try to get backlink from these sites. You can request backlink, reciprocal link or Text-Link-Ads in those sites. Keep in mind what is the PageRank (PR) of these sites. I mean just creatively copy the competitors.

    8. You must have backlinks from different website pointing your site as much as possible. Remember, backlinks from irrelevant website can decrease your PageRank. So try get backlink from the site same to your site theme.

    9.Write articles and submit them to Ezines. Include link of your website in the footer of your article

    10. Buy Text-Link-Ads from high page rank website on your niche.

    11. Include your main keywords in the "anchor text".

    12. Try to get links from as many different IP Addresses as possible.

    13. In order to get backlink to your website, you can trade links with other people by sending link requests.

    Joynal Abedin is the author of Earn Money Online Tips. He provides the resource of How to earn money online From AdSense and other affiliate programs. Describes the legitimate ways to earn money online like Paid Survey, Get Paid Programs etc. Read his blog for learning about SEO

    Article Income Mistake #1 - Having No Product Created with Your Articles

    Some people will tell you that you cannot make money with your articles. My simple response to those people is that they are wrong.

    You can make money with your articles. You can do well with your articles.

    You gotta have a product

    Now here is a profound statement. You have to have a product in order to sell a product.

    Now I know people quiver in their shoes about the notion of creating products. It looks difficult and it takes a lot of concentrated work. You need to have a system to make it very doable.

    You can do it! If you can write a 7-item grocery list, you can write a 7 tips article that brings you more prospects, publicity and profits.

    And if you can write a 7 tips article, you can turn that article into many products. A 7 tips article can become an ecourse or an ebook, just to name two of the many products you can create with your articles.

    Another quick way to create products with your articles is to create a collection of your articles on a particular subject and turn it into an ebook. I have many mentees and students who do this all the time. I do it all the time.

    Dont fall for some of the stuff on the internet that says it takes you weeks to create a product . You can create a product in a couple days when you know how to do it correctly and quickly, and turn your articles into cash.

    And now I would like to offer you free access to two of my Article Writing Templates. You can download them by going to http://www.GreatArticleMarketingBlog.com

    Would you like to get in on our free weekly Article Guy TeleSeminars? Visit http://www.TheArticleGuyTeleSeminars.com to get started today!

    From Jeff Herring - The Article Guy & GreatArticleMarketingNetwork.com

    Search Engine Marketing Strategies - Do They Really Work?

    If you want to start a home-based business you need to choose a legitimate business that really has some products and a good payout plan for its members. That's a different story. Even if a program has products and really paying good compensation plan there is no guarantee that you can make profits and money because you need to work to popularize the business you are promoting for which you should be able to generate website traffic. By knowing where to start to nurture your aspirations of growing your home-based business you can very well be successful with your newly found home-based Internet opportunity.

    Your first task will be to know in and out of the product that your business is promoting. Try to critically analyze the usefulness of the products and how they work and if any why they are unique as well.

    Secondly to understand your company's compensation plan and to the extent that you are able to accurately answer the queries posted by your prospects and it is extremely important to establish this credibility with your prospects. The more you are equipped to answer the higher is your rating.

    The next strategy would be to identify your niche market and to know what you have to offer that fulfills the demands of the market. To this there is no better thing than to look at yourself because you are one example of your target customers. If you are marketing the product that you are using (or you should be using) then you are part of your target customers. Take the considerations of age, gender, and the need that your product fulfills.

    The next thing that you should be working to grow your home-based Internet business is to bring people to your website. If you want something, especially these days you either go to a store that offer what you wanted or search on the Internet for other sources. So, to build your Internet marketing business, you must create a website that attracts target customers. You also need to position your site and it is an art and skill in itself that you can acquire easily adopting several of the strategies. One way to do that is by the pay-per-click advertisement campaigning. This gets your business and website exposed to several people.

    Pay-per-click advertising is a model used on all of the search engines wherein an Internet marketer pays only when someone actually clicks on your ad and visits your website. How do you do this? By bidding on keywords-words or phrases people use as search queries on different search engines for acquiring information. Know the keywords your target customers will be using when they search for what they need. There are several tools available to help with the keywords that match what your target customers are using in the search bar of engines. PPC campaign involves investment on the part of the Internet business entrepreneur but it really works.

    Try to understand what your prospects are truly looking for and if you have answers to their questions you are half successful as Internet marketer. Therefore using the right keywords in PPC campaign is very critical for success of your Internet business opportunity.

    Build a list of keywords and write appropriate ads to go with these groups of keywords (also called ad groups) and bid a competitive price and you are done. When someone searches with the specific keyword matching one on your list, your ad is shown. The quality or relevance of the ad in relation to a search, and your bid for the keywords will determine where your ad appears on the search engine. For a competitively bid keyword it will on the first page of the search results.

    Writing good ad and choosing keywords that your target customers is using is a continuous process of trial and error, although, there are many tools that can hone your skills but it will be one that will positively impact your home-based Internet business. Learn how to get prospects coming to you and if you and your Internet business have answers to their questions, you are successful in your newly found home-based business opportunity.

    "EDC Diamond compensation with residual commission is setting a new standard in the home-based business market scenario and no other competitor businesses are using this at this point in time. To learn how much residual income you can earn with EDC Diamond just read http://EDC Diamond Review The owner of the site is one of the top earners of the program who is now building a successful http://EDC Diamond team and offering serious mentoring to those who are serious about achieving success with EDCGold and EDC Diamond.

    Controversial Article Marketing Secrets That Will Clobber Your Competition

    I am sure that if you are reading that headline then it may have caught your attention. In fact what I am about to say may offend a lot of people, but this is the brutal truth.

    Article marketing is a long term strategy. You will not get results overnight. Many people attempt this expecting to get rich the following month. It is very important to understand that to build a successful long term internet business that this takes time. Using articles to build your brand name up so that you can sell more products is a time intensive strategy. However, once people start seeing your name they will start thinking of you as an expert in that specific market. When the time comes to buy a product they will think of you first.

    If you are thinking of getting rich overnight with article marketing I seriously suggest that you look for another method of promotion. There will be a point in your business you may be doing everything right, but not achieving any success. This is the normal process. First start driving traffic to your squeeze pages and then you need to make sure that your sales funnel converts visitors into paid customers.

    Basically, article marketing is a numbers game. The more articles that you have out there the higher the number of subscribers and volume of sales. You need at least hundreds and even thousands of articles to be successful. If you were thinking that you only need to write 20 articles and then you are going to be rich I am very sorry to disappoint you.

    Finally, you can generate a lot of quality targeted traffic to your website. However, it will take a lot of work on your side as this is no magic bullet.

    Are you really interested in driving massive traffic to your website?

    Here's the answer:

    Secrets Of Article Marketing - Download your free ebook now.

    Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.

    Article Marketing - A Powerful Tool

    Article marketing has many benefits which may include establishing yourself as an Author, lead generation, more traffic to your web site, improved search engine position and is becoming a necessary tool for doing business on the World Wide Web. Article marketing has become a proven strategy for raising your link popularity. It can also be a cheap way to compete with larger companies in your field.

    It's best to write on topics that are closely related to your business type, while making sure that the article provides good content for the reader, no one wants to read a sales page. Every article that you write will need a resource box section that will contain your sales info including an (anchor text) link or two pointing to your Web site. You could have a terrific product and a wonderful sales strategy, but without the targeted traffic your online business could be going no-where.

    You can take advantage of a ton of free article submission sites on the internet, where you can submit your articles for free, some also offer software and services to help in the process. Once approved, the sites will make your articles available for distribution and publication to ezines, webmasters etc... Now there is no more need to beg for reciprocal link exchanges, pay for text links, or spend hours posting free ads to link farms that no one will read anyway. Articles, written yourself, are becoming the fastest and cheapest way to see results from your efforts.

    When done properly, article marketing can be a very powerful tool to drive loads of targeted traffic to your web site. Whether your business is brand new or you have been in business for a while, you can gain new customers from marketing your own articles. To be the most effective, article marketing should just be part of a larger, more comprehensive SEO strategy. Remember, the goal of successful marketing is increased business and most importantly profit and this can be achieved with the help of article marketing.

    The Author is the owner/operator of several successful article submission service sites. Also offering a completely automatic article submitter More info and resources can be found at http://www.article-hut.com

    SEO Strategies - Optimize Online Press Releases For CRM

    In a fiercely competitive online atmosphere, press releases can be a valuable resource for increasing your company's overall visibility, but only if they're optimized effectively. Remember, this tactic is no longer just about publicizing your latest news. Instead, it's about creating visibility through multiple channels that allow you to connect through content, reaching those audience segments that are relevant to your company and purpose.

    When optimized correctly, online press releases can do all of the following:

    • Boost Search Engine Rankings for SEO
    • Drive Targeted Traffic
    • Build Brand Awareness
    • Save Money on Pay-Per-Click Campaigns
    • Usurp Position From Competition on SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages)

    Despite these numerous benefits, however, many companies continue to use unoptimized press releases that don't work as well as they could. Instead, these lazy releases stagnate in Deleted folders and are never indexed by the major search engines. Remember, this isn't a traditional press release like Grandma used to write.

    Unlike traditional press releases, which were succinct and written with readers in mind, online press releases need to be more carefully crafted. An online press release (like SEO in general), is half art and half science - in addition to appealing to readers, they need to be optimized for search engines in order to drive results. A few simple modifications could increase their effectiveness drastically, providing far more SEO benefit to your online presence than they would have otherwise.

    So how do you write and optimize an online press release that will drive tangible results?

    First and foremost, employ common sense and reason. No one wants to read something that isn't newsworthy, and these type of releases won't garner any publicity. In fact, according to a DM News survey, 98 percent of journalists are online every day, and almost 75 percent are searching for press releases. So before you write anything, ask yourself if the story you're thinking about publicizing is newsworthy. As a member of your industry, whatever that may be, would you take the time to read it? If not, don't waste your time. Wait for a story that will make a splash and matter to your audience.

    Next, identify the keywords your press release will utilize. Align them with the keywords and phrases you're already optimizing in order to derive the highest SEO benefit. In order to make sure you're choosing those with the most potential, start with some quick competitive analysis. This can be done by performing a News search that includes your keyword on Google, Yahoo, Ask, MSN, or any other popular search engine.

    Looking at the results page, you'll know if this is the right keyword or phrase to chase? How? By the amount of competition it presents. If you notice that most of the results are spread out over a longer time span, this keyword is a good opportunity because there clearly isn't as much competition. On the other hand, if your search turns up ten stories from the past few days, you'll know that this term is much more competitive due to the many stories you're competing against.

    Now that you're aware of the competitive landscape, determine the amount of flexibility you have to work with. As I mentioned before, if you're attempting to enter a space that's crowded with recent news, you'll need to focus on a single keyword phrase, while if you have more flexibility, you can chase several permutations of your keywords.

    In the end, it's a better idea to focus on specific online niches, crafting your press release in a way that you know will appeal to your potential readers. Your press release will be much more potent if it gets noticed within a specific sector than if it languishes away in relative obscurity, hidden somewhere in a crowd of similar stories.

    This simple research phase can make all the difference in whether your press release gets noticed, but it's often the most overlooked aspect of this strategy. Don't get trapped milling around in the virtual crowd - stand out and get noticed by optimizing around the keywords that hold the most potential.

    Once you've completed this critical research step, you will have identified the most potent keywords with which to write your press release. Now you're finally ready to start writing!

    Start with the headline, the most important part of your press release. Include your most competitive keywords in this headline. While it may be tempting to simply combine all of your keywords, it's imperative that your headline remains both condensed yet descriptive. Think like a journalist and a searcher here. Stick to the basics, providing the essential facts and the who, what, where, when, and why. All of the major search engines start by looking for keywords in headlines, so be sure to give them what they're looking for in order to capitalize on relevancy. Observe these rules and you'll also attract those all important human readers.

    After you've crafted the headline, it's time to start writing the body of your press release. Begin by isolating several related phrases to maximize your SEO potential. For example, if you're publicizing the launch of your new SEO site, your headline may be something like Fusionbox Launches SEO Microsite.

    Don't fall victim to the constraints you'll encounter with the use of just one keyword or phrase. Instead, use a web of related keyphrases to expand your reach. Alternate permutations like "Fusionbox Launches Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Microsite," for example, will invariably broaden your scope and influence. These various combinations allow your release to appear in News results for these related phrases as well.

    Try rotating various combinations of keywords in the body of the release as well to create more diversity and cover more ground. For example:

    "Fusionbox, a Denver SEO agency, recently lauched a new microsite devoted to search engine optimization (SEO) strategies. The company, which specializes in search engine marketing (SEM), web design, and web development, needed a unique platform to reach clients looking for optimization solutions and showcase their SEO services."

    Rather than using the same keyword phrase repetitively and sounding like a broken record (which drives human readers away), this sentence sprinkles other keyword combinations that expand the SEO value of the release without detracting from readability.

    Be creative here. Don't try to overload on keywords or your release won't flow like good writing should. A good rule of thumb is to write with an eye for your keywords, incorporating them into the release when natural opportunities appear.

    Once you've finished writing your release, read over it again and circle your keywords in red. Does it sound natural or look like a finished New York Times word search? If so, take a step back and ensure your work flows while maintaining general SEO copywriting best practices and a healthy keyword density.

    Next, look for instances of your keywords where you could include a backlink to your site. This will allow you to build valuable incoming links to your site, which are a major determinant of search engine positioning. Remember to use the full URL in your link if you can't employ anchor text, as this will ensure your link is indexed and available to search engines and readers alike.


    Finally, you've finished writing your optimized press release. Now you're ready to begin the submission process. There are an infinite number of press release sites on the Internet, but some are far superior to others. Before you go about submitting anywhere and everywhere, make sure the sites you're submitting content to are crawled by the major search engines, or else you won't get any SEO benefit from your release.

    Many of the more popular distribution services are indexed by Google News, Yahoo News, and others, but make sure by searching for related stories on these engines and noting where the top results originate. This way, you'll get a better idea of which distribution channels specific search engines favor.

    Target these for your own release to ensure your content will be visible where it matters, especially as Universal search rolls onto the scene, showing News links among the regular search results.

    As you can see, optimizing your press release is a somewhat complex endeavor. Still, considering that an optimized release is an essential ingredient to a search engine marketing (SEM) campaign for its ability to boost search engine rankings, drive targeted traffic, build brand awareness, and even help you gain digital real estate on the SERPs (search engine results page), the juice is definitely worth the squeeze.

    Just observe the best practices I've described above and you'll build your online presence in this fiercely competitive online atmosphere where visibility is everything. An optimized press release will allow you to connect with your target audience through content while deriving tangible SEO benefits.

    Nick Yorchak is a Search Engine Marketing Specialist at Fusionbox, a full-service Denver Internet marketing agency offering complete SEM solutions. He can be reached at (303)952-7490. For more information on optimization strategies, see the free Fusionbox SEO Resources library or browse Nick's SEO blog.

    Using Keyword Research to Improve Web Traffic

    The use of appropriate key words is one of the most important aspects of search engine optimization. Selecting and targeting pertinent key words and phrases is crucial for building web traffic and getting the audience you want for your web pages. Like any other type of advertisement, your key words must be carefully chosen to ensure that you achieve both high page rankings and relevant traffic. Achieving high page ranks is useless if the traffic it brings you is not the right audience. For this reason, many experts believe that the target key word list used for a site can mean either success or failure for a web site or online business.

    It is no longer enough to simply choose a relevant domain name for an online business or web site. Choosing the right key words for the site is now equally if not more important. The majority of people who visit a site get there by using a search engine. They will type in two or three words that describe what they're looking for, scan the resulting list generated and pick one that seems relevant until they get the answer or product they need. This is where target key words are utilized. Key words are what enable people to find your site; choosing the right key words for your site will ensure the right people find you.

    With this in mind, identifying your target audience is the first step in creating relevant key words and phrases. Again, this is not dissimilar to targeting television advertisements. Consider location when you are developing your target market. For example, if you own a used car dealership in Hayward, California, any traffic you get from outside a very specific area is virtually useless to you. Similarly, if you operate an online business that does not ship outside the USA, generating traffic from other countries will not help you make sales. By adding key words that are specific to your location as well as your product, you will better hone into your target audience, improve your rankings, and achieve a better conversion rate, which will help increase your site's page ranking, in turn.

    Keyword competition should also be taken into consideration when developing a site's key word list. Going back to the used car dealership example, let's say a potential customer types in the word "cars" into a search engine. They'll never find what they need, because it's far too general-generating around 500,000,000 different sites to choose from. Typing in "used cars" generates almost 70,000,000. That's still too many to deal with effectively. Using "used cars Hayward" generates almost 900,000 hits, and narrowing the focus even further by using the zip code rather than the city name reduces it to less than 25,000.

    Choosing key words for your web site works the same way. If your key words are too general, your target audience will never find your site, because the search terms generate so many web sites that it is impossible to look through them all. However, if you go too far in the opposite direction and use too many key words, or key words which are too specific, you risk losing business as well. The best key word phrases are no more than three words in length.

    So how do you choose the right key words? The first step is brainstorming with colleagues, friends or an SEO professional, to come up with a list of 20 or more appropriate key words. The Google Keyword Tool is an excellent place to research key words. By entering key words into this tool it will give you an idea of the popularity of certain words and offers you alternative key words and phrases.

    Once you have a good list of terms, you may want to refine it to call out the strongest terms that have the best potential for sales or traffic conversion. There are several good online research tools available, which can help you decide which words will be most effective for you. Some good examples are WordTracker and Keyword Discovery. These sites may charge a fee for using their database. After reviewing the terms, eliminate the key words that rank poorly or are very unpopular, then prioritize the remaining terms according to search popularity. These terms will become the keywords you will want to focus your initial SEO campaign on.

    Always remember that when it comes to key words, you are focusing on optimizing your traffic rather than maximizing it. Setting up the right keyword list for optimization is the cornerstone to a successful web site.

    ~Ben Anton, 2007

    Ben invites you to read more about key word research and PPC campaigns at Mad Fish Info's web site. Mad Fish Info is a full-service, Portland based search engine optimization firm.

    Article Marketing - Discover 4 Amazing and Powerful Ways to Supercharge Your Article Marketing

    A lot of webmasters, especially those who are just starting out, have limited marketing budget. But that doesn't mean that they cannot popularize their websites. With the advent of article marketing, a free and effective marketing tool, anyone can make a name online by just writing and distributing articles online.

    1. Pick the best topics. In doing so, you must remember that your topics must be able to generate the interest and attention of your target market or those people who are most likely to buy from you. So, if you are selling golf equipments, you should write about golfing tips, world's famous golfers, upcoming tournaments, etc. These articles will surely attract those people who are playing or at least interested about golf - these are the people who you would like to drive to your website to augment your sales potential.

    2. Widely distribute your articles. The effectiveness of your article marketing campaign lies on how many targeted people you are able to connect to. So, aside from article submission sites, you can also post your articles on your blog, social networking sites, social bookmarking sites, forums, or on your own website. You can also use them as newsletter content when you publish your ezine or compile them to create an ebook.

    3. Be particular with your titles. Your articles, no matter how good they were written, will be ignored online if your titles are lousy. Improve your click through rate by using headlines that are attention-grabbing, enticing, direct to the point, intriguing, and keyword-rich.

    4. Don't forget your potential audience. Always keep them in mind when writing your content and make sure that you design your articles to meet their needs and demands.

    To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

    Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

    What to Expect from Article Marketing

    Article marketing is a complicated, hazardous mess, but with a little work and a lot of dedication it can be one of the best ways for you to generate a steady steam of incoming users. The plan is simple: have lots of content and use some article marketing websites to get your writing distributed to websites and newsletters.

    Before you get started, though, there are a few things you need to understand about article marketing that will help you understand what it is you're doing.

    Quality Quantity

    You need to generate a lot of content - a lot of quality content. Sure, you could write a bunch of garbage about your toenails, but nobody cares that you've got a hangnail. You could also write a three sentence article on how to properly implement AdSense, but if you don't get into details nobody is going to read your content again.

    The first tip for article marketing is a simple one: create quality content on a daily basis. Get into details. Give the reader everything they need to know about the topic you're writing about.

    One Hit Wonders

    Every once in a while you'll write an article that generates so much traffic you may think that you've won, you're done, and you don't need to do anything else, because the traffic will just continue to roll in day after day. Don't fool yourself! This traffic, while it may continue to bring in a substantial amount of readers over a long period of time cannot be relied on. You need to continue to create quality articles to continue to build incoming traffic.

    Don't Expect the World

    Most of the articles you write will probably fade into obscurity. In fact, I would venture to guess that almost 99% of the articles you write will only bring in one or two unique visitors a day; but, the secret is to create hundreds or articles that each bring in one or two visitors - that's a couple of hundred extra visitors per day to your website.

    Article marketing is a slow process, but it will reward you with a stead flow of visitors to your website (which eventually translates to more clicks on your advertisements).

    Jason Pullara has run a successful sole proprietorship in New York City building, repairing, and maintaining workstations and personal computers for local businesses and consumers for 5 years. You can contact him on his personal website at http://www.geekstreak.com.

    Squeeze Page Templates Can Be Affordable. The Right Squeeze Page Templates Increase Profits

    Using Squeeze Page templates Internet Professionals Worldwide are creaming off Millions of Dollars a year with very Simple List Creation Tools.

    Imagine having a list of 1000, 10,000 or even 100,000 Leads. Everytime you get a new product, or even see a product you want to sell as an affiliate, all you do is mail out to your list.

    In most cases this is as simple a writing an email and pressing a button. This is how the professionals do it. No hassle, No Fuss just cash pouring in every time they post to their list.

    The Autoresponder and Squeeze Pages templates are a great combination to build a responsive list of profitable leads

    But How do you get a list?

    You need two things.

    1. Good Autoresponders - These must be set-up on your site, that you control. Follow-up email is fast and cheap to install. You can get a great pack here that includes everything you need to start a list. (save yourself a monthly payment of upto $20 a month).

    2. A Great Squeeze Page. This must look professional. You can connect it to your autoresponder and you are away.

    We have decided to look a collection of Squeeze Page Templates we found for less than $7

    There are 4 hand picked professional squeeze page products in this pack. Together this include over 150 megs of templates, graphics, advice and instructional videos.


    a) A set of professionally designed templates that come with a fully instructional video and just need to be edited to reflect your product or service.

    b) A complete Video Guide to Squeeze pages, how they work and how you can profit best from this new hot topic.

    c) The Squeeze Page Combo Pack. Professional Templates plus an ebook of Squeeze Page Secrets.

    d) Video Squeeze Page templates. The Future is video we all hear so why not start selling via video.

    If you are at all interested in creating a squeeze page system you could do worse that taking a look at this package, and at a price of less that $7 it appears extremely good value for money. Coupled with the suggested autoresponder we reckon this is a very useful combination.

    Relating to the above article The Author recommends

    For those members that are looking to increase your current autoresponders success rate take a look at this squeeze page template collection. Over 100 meg of professionally designed ready-to-go squeeze page templates, ebooks, and how to ... tutorial videos, for less than $7

    A complete Autoresponders pack for Less than $5. A great starter collection of ebooks, autoresponder, pre-written messages and squeeze pages There is even a free 56 page autoresponder guide.

    Why A Website Requires Search Engine Optimization

    After you are ready with a fully designed and developed website, the first thing that comes into your mind is after creating a website, why do we need SEO? let us see. Well actually, we need SEO because we need to promote the website. The number of websites is increasing day by day on the world wide web, so is the competition. To find your niche in this competitive world we need to put that extra effort, idea and innovations to prove your work distinct from the others. Though it is not that easy the way it seems to be. One needs to consult with Internet marketing experts to ensure the high quality traffic to your sites in addition to a fully optimized site.

    The SEO expert analyzes and decides effective keywords for your website promotion, and suggests you the expertise on different aspects of SEO. Obviously they understand the promotion trends better and can guide you on this to get a high search engine ranking.

    Search Engine Optimization is a crucial way of bringing business through website. Just having your website online doesn't serves the purpose, it needs to be optimized for search engine rankings. It is definitely necessary to put efforts in producing a well optimized website.

    An SEO consultant can guide you on the following services:

    • Effective keyword research
    • Link building services
    • On page optimization
    • Fresh and quality content
    • Article submission on article directories
    • Submission of press releases
    • Submitting Blog Posts.

    Hence, through these SEO techniques one can get enough exposure online. All this is possible by using good promotional techniques which are fair, legal and approved by major search engines on Internet. SEO is required for your website to attain its identity in the crowd of millions of websites. They are required to:

    • Get high ranking on the search engine.
    • Target website visitors.
    • Optimizing website according to the keyword research.
    • Matching products and services to get the website on the top of search engines.

    Web Design India and Seo Services India both are related to each other and they are very useful when you are running a online marketing business.

    This Article is published by Varun Saxena, SEM Consultant for Dimension India SEO Company.

    Targeted Article Marketing - Uncover 6 Creative Steps to Grow Your Article Marketing

    Article marketing is definitely here to stay as it provides online users what they truly need - information and provides online entrepreneurs what they need to make their ebusiness successful - online traffic.

    Here are the 6 creative steps to grow your article marketing:

    1. Limit your topics to issues that are closely related to your offerings. If you are selling diet pills, focus on writing articles about weight gain and effective solutions to combat it. By doing so, you will be able to attract those people who are most likely to become interested on what you are offering. This can tremendously increase your sales potential and your profits.

    2. Publish your articles. To give your articles the exposure they need, submit them to all leading article submissions sites and directories that have great page ranking and steady traffic. By doing this, you can easily augment the number of your inbound links and increase the chances of your articles being read and widely republished online.

    3. Optimize your articles. You would want your articles to be highly searchable online so you can better connect with people who are needing your content. So, make it a habit to optimize your articles and sprinkle generous amount of keywords all throughout your content.

    4. Know the elements that can set your articles apart from the rest. If you want to generate more interest online, you need to make your articles content-rich, informative, useful, well-written, direct to the point, accurate, and short. They must also have attention-grabbing titles and compelling first paragraphs to attract and hold the interest of your readers. If you can consistently incorporate these elements on your articles, you can be assured that you will easily make a lasting mark online.

    5. Use a powerful resources box. If you want to easily convert your readers to potential clients, don't just leave your website's URL on your resource box. Instead, fill with important information like your name, your expertise, and the problems that you solve. Also, incorporate an elevator pitch and a compelling call to action to move your readers to act on your favor.

    6. Monitor your progress. Check the performance of your articles every once in a while. Identify which ones are not generating enough attention online and improve them to make them more enticing and impacting.

    Do you want to learn more about how I use article marketing techniques, and list building methods to generate over $15,347 per month online?

    Find out free here: How to Make 5 Figures Online.

    Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

    Internet Marketing Tips - Selling Igloos To Eskimos

    There is a saying that goes something like this. "He's such a great salesman, he could sell igloos to Eskimos." Well, I don't care how great a salesman you are. You can't sell igloos to Eskimos. This is something that they've got well under control and don't need your help to do. Okay, so what does this have to do with Internet marketing? Well, keep reading and you'll find out.

    Many new marketers try to make this process so convoluted. At least they think it has to be. Certainly selling on the Internet must be some kind of voodoo. It certainly can't be easy since so many people are failing at it. How many you ask? Well, the estimated figures are that 95% of all people, who try to succeed with some form of home based business, fail. Those are pretty depressing numbers. But why? Why are things so bad?

    Well, one of the main reasons is trying to sell igloos to Eskimos. Or in plain English, trying to sell something to somebody that they just don't need or want. I don't care how great the product is, if the person you're trying to pitch it to doesn't want it, they're not going to buy it. It's that simple.

    Now there are actually two problems here. The one problem is trying to sell a product that nobody wants. For example, let's say you came up with a new browser and tried to sell it. This is almost absurd considering that you get Internet Explorer with any new PC and you can download something like Firefox for free. So sell a browser? The thought is almost insane. Yet, people try to do this...sell things that can easily be gotten for free with very little effort.

    The second problem is trying to sell something to the wrong market. If you have a great book on playing golf, you're probably not going to make many sales trying to pitch it at a general sports forum. Sure, there may be some people there who are into golf, but with such a broad base, probably not too many. You're much better off going to a forum that caters specifically to people who play golf.

    While this may sound like common sense, trust me, it's not. So many marketers make this same mistake day after day and don't even realize it. What it all comes down to is identifying your target marketing and advertising TO that market and that market ONLY. You don't want to waste your resources (time and money) on markets that probably won't be interested in YOUR product.

    Selling igloos to Eskimos...It's just plain crazy.

    To YOUR Success,

    Steven Wagenheim

    Want to get your hot little hands on 30 niches that I have personally researched and discovered to be prime targets to make cash easily? Visit my site at http://www.nicheresearchrevolution.com/ and get your 30 niches TODAY! Nobody else in their right mind would even offer this at any price considering an expert would charge you $3,000 to research ONE niche. So rush to my site NOW and be one of the first to get your hands on this amazing package. Only 100 are going out at this price.

    Article Marketing and Your Resource Box - You Better Check Your Links if You Want the Full Benefit

    Article writers get their articles kicked back for review all the time over this. I've even had some kickbacks when I've not been paying attention and not checked a link that I thought was good, and it was not. Something had just gone wrong in the last day and I didn't know it, so I was sending somebody to a link that was dead.

    Make sure the links you put in there to your websites or blogs are live. Even if you've just been on that site that morning and you're writing an article in the afternoon, check the link.

    It used to be that I taught that you want to have a clickable text link in your resource box, called an anchor text, like "Click here to..." or "Article Marketing Minute" would be highlighted.

    You can still have one of those in your resource box, but what we've found is that many of the folks who have websites, newsletters and blogs that are using articles are not savvy enough to take the HTML code to make those clickable links back to their website, newsletter or blog and use them correctly, so it winds up a dead link. You don't want that.

    You want to have at least one, maybe two, of what's called an 'absolute URL' in your resource box. Here's what an absolute URL is. It starts with http:// -- all the way to .com or the end of the domain and file name. So an absolute URL is the whole thing - http all the way to .com

    Now that you know what an absolute URL is, and it's kind of a funky sound to it, 'absolute URL' - take it to the next party and see how many people know what an absolute URL is. It would be great conversation. Yeah, right.

    And now I would like to offer you free access to 2 of my Instant Article Templates when you subscribe to my free Article Marketing Minute, a 52 week audio/video newsletter on Article Marketing. You can get your instant access at http://www.ArticleMarketingMinute.com

    From Jeff Herring - The Internet Article Guy & the Great Article Marketing Network

    Article Marketing For Beginners - The Absolute Best Way To Promote Your Business Online!

    The most cost efficient traffic generation method for your online business isn't PPC or banner advertising. It's article marketing. Writing high quality articles and syndicate them all over the web is the very best thing you can do to become an expert in your niche.

    By giving your best techniques for free and showing your superiority over the competition, you can make a killing online. A long term article marketing strategy make the difference between a few hundreds dollars and a full time income online.

    Article marketing for beginners.

    First, you need to write a quality article. 300 words is a good start. A rule of thumbs is between 300 and 400 words because ezine publisher are very selective.

    If you never wrote anything for years, just use the 7 tips template. Write an introduction paragraph, and add your 7 tips.

    When you are done, add a small resource box with a link to your website. The next step is to submit your articles to the top 20 directories. It is better to outsource, but if you can't, just do it yourself. Don't worry, after a couple of months, you should be able to outsource without any problem.

    Think about this: the article directories receive thousands of visitors every single month. Surfers will read them, and webmasters and ezine publishers will publish them all other the web for you.

    Imagine for a moment that one of those has a list of 50K loyal subscribers and fall in love with your style? Now imagine that he decide to send your article as a recommendation in his newsletter? Do you think that you will get a boost in subscribers and sales?

    I hope you start to see the importance of writing articles to promote your online business. And I didn't even scratch the surface. There are so many benefits that it's impossible to list each of them on the same page.

    Do you know that you can get top rankings in Google and other search engines just by writing and submitting an article a day? It's another of the benefit of article marketing.

    To learn more, download my Free Guide: "How To Earn $100K Per Year With Article Marketing".

    Franck Silvestre makes thousands of dollars a year from affiliate and article marketing. Wonder what the secret to his success is? Discover how he does it at: http://www.mynetmarketingland.com/article-marketing/

    Breakthrough Autopilot Article Marketing With Bum Marketing

    Autopilot article marketing is a great way to earn money online. Mix in a touch of bum marketing and you have created a powerful combination. Writing articles online is extremely easy. Many people can punch the letters of their keyboard, but few write words or sentences compelling enough to grab their readers attention. You can literally spend hours using bum marketing and never see any results.

    As you read this short article, you will start to see why your success with autopilot article marketing has been limited. One of the reasons you are not seeing results is based on the fact your articles are dull and meaningless. See, if you want to write articles to build back links to your web pages, it's a great method. But, if you want to make sales, you need to write content that impels your reader to your landing page.

    The farther down you read the more you will understand what I mean. You have a choice, write fast and furious, or write compelling and riveting content. Let's dissect an article and see if we can find ways to make our articles electric.

    Each article you write consists of a subject heading, body and resource box. If all three combined do not compel your reader to take some sort of action you will lose a chance to send them to your landing page. Even if you just need them to read the next line.

    Internet searchers thirst for information, they want to discover new things and find products that will make their life better. We all want a better life and your articles need to written in a matter in which the reader benefits.

    You are reading this aren't you! And your reading this to learn to be better at something. You read to enrich your soul and feed your mind. Don't you think you need to write content that nails your reader to their monitor? You better, your chances of guiding a person to your landing page will only increase. Otherwise you are just wasting your time with bum marketing.

    You be the judge. As this article ends, think about the value of honing your craft. Visit: Autopilot Article Marketing Helper and learn to write captivating content, so your readers actually find your resource box, sending your click thru's sky rocketing!

    Article Marketing and Social Bookmarking

    The reason why some webmasters use articles from free content directories is to drive targeted traffic to their website and to increase their income. More and more site owners have seen the effects articles have done for the traffic of their sites.

    Article marketing is a very good method, especially for those new entrepreneurs who have just begun to work as an affiliate for several different companies and are in need of funding, yet at the same time they need to build a small niche website to steer visitors towards their site so they are able to begin earning income.

    Writing and submitting new articles is a crucial part of any website promotion strategy. A well written, informative article helps to build your credibility in your subject area. The links in the article resource box provide targeted traffic and effectively help to optimize your site for the search engines.

    Writing and submitting new articles to article directories is an continuously task that should be performed at least on a weekly basis. Each article that is approved and published by an article directory is "hot" only for a day or two. This is because it will be displayed on the "latest articles" pages which receive more traffic than the category pages. A new article will typically remain in Google primary search results for only a week or two before it will be sent to the supplementary index. You should keep in mind though that most articles submitted in bulk to many directories will be interpreted as duplicate content and will end up in the supplemental index.

    This is the reason why it is so important to submit your articles on a regular, frequent basis. If you submit at least one article a week, then you will always have a few articles that are in the primary index and getting more readers.

    Submitting new articles to article directories might not be enough though. Promoting your articles while they are still "hot" is also very important. One of the most powerful promotional methods is to take advantage of the explosive growth of social bookmarking sites.

    Social bookmarking sites like Delicious, Reddit, Digg and Technorati allow users to bookmark and share their favorite web pages (blogs, dynamic or static web pages, articles and so on). If you bookmark your articles in various directories, you can increase the number of people that are exposed to your article. As they click through on your headline and they read your article, they may choose to click your active hyperlink to visit your website, bringing you indirect, but targeted traffic.

    The more links an article has pointing to it, the better it will rank in the search results, so these links have a very important SEO value as well. Social bookmarking sites are a very powerful tool to get more links pointing to your articles, providing a higher ranking in the search results.

    By its own, article marketing is an extremely effective method to promote your site and improve your search engine optimization, but by taking advantage of the viral nature of social bookmarking, you can dramatically increase the range of your audience and ultimately, bring more visitors to your site.

    The author is webmaster at Articleated.com a free article directory.

    Four Free Strategies to Increasing Your Websites Traffic

    Driving targeted traffic to your website is essential in order to bring in the sales necessary to create an income online. Using these four techniques, you will not only directly drive traffic to your site, but at the same time, you will be creating an effective strategy to gain higher placement in the major search engines infinitely increase your websites traffic. . .and all for free!

    Article Submission

    Submitting articles to article directories is fast becoming one of the most popular and effective ways to market your website online, and for many reasons. By writing articles about specific topics that relate to your website you are establishing yourself as an expert in the field. You will also have the opportunity to add a link to your website in the author or resource box, driving traffic to your site. Another key advantage is that websites looking for content will have the opportunity to place your article, with the link to your website, on their site. These links will stay on their website for years. Over time this creates a large number of links to your site, increasing your page rank and visibility in search engines.

    Forum Participation

    Regularly participating in forums can also establish you as an expert in your field. By participating in forums that are related to your website, you gain the trust of the other forums users. Trust in you and your website will result in more traffic and sales. When participating in forums be sure to add a link to your website in your signature file. This will let readers know where your website is located, and also create more links on the internet to your site.

    Create Your Own Blog

    Another effective way of building trust and becoming an authority on your websites topic is to launch your own blog. Blogs are also frequently picked up by search engines since the content on them is usually fresh and up to date giving you exposure to your target market. Also, by publishing your articles on your blog will also create more links back to your website, increasing the page rank of your website as well.

    Linking Campaign

    By creating a linking campaign, you can dramatically increase the number of links on the internet that direct users to your site. As demonstrated in the above strategies, the more links that point back to site, the higher your page rank, and the higher listing in search engines resulting in more targeted traffic. Linking is easy, yet can be time consuming. For sites that offer links simply use your favorite search engine, and use keywords such as add your link. You will see that millions of sites are available to add your link to.

    About The Author
    To find the best home based business ideas and opportunities so you can work at home visit: http://www.HomeBusinessOnTheNet.net