Wednesday, May 14, 2008

There Is Power In Good Search Engine Optimization Using Easy Search Engine Marketing Strategies

Search engine optimization can make or break your website and therefore your online business will do little to nothing in the earning money aspect of internet marketing. Time spent learning proper SEO strategies will be time well spent and your time is valuable so don't waste it.

What does an internet marketing need to know for proper search engine optimization? Well to me you need to know more or at least apply more SEO knowledge than those site owners you want to pass in the search engines. It's that straight forward.

You can pay me or others to have your web pages optimized to give you the best bang for your buck in the search engines and that will get you listed higher which gives you a better chance at making a sale. Of course even if you get visitors it doesn't mean you sales copy will sell them, but that's for another day and another article, isn't it.

I always enjoy being paid but at the same time the teacher in me wants you to learn to do this for yourself so keep your money and read on...

Search Engine Optimization Strategy One:

Learn what others are doing to make their web page land on the first search engine results page. Discover all you can about each site that gets listing on the first two pages of results. At least the first two pages so you get an understanding and you will also find more than one strategy being used, so pay close attention.

How do you find those sites, well you have to use the keywords that represent your product to your target group. You will even learn of new keywords and phrases as you start to dissect your competitors web pages.

Example: If you are promoting 'car care products' then you go to Google and do a search for this term. Do two searches on this phrase and any other phrases you are using. One without quotes and one with quotes.

Doing two searches this way will let you know how many sites are out there promoting based on the exact same keyword phrase your are using.

Google: "car care products" = 606,000
Google: car care products = 38,200,000

From this you can see that there are 600 thousand pages out there about car care products and that means you would have a lot of competition.

Once you have your search engine results page for your search term in quotes start looking through the results and take notes.

What are you looking for?

1. You want to learn how they use the search term or keyword phrase on their page.

This means that you need to look at the headings and paragraphs to see how many times that phrase was used and the exact location it was used.

Was the phrase bolded or italized, is it in a header one, is the phrase a hyper link anywhere on the page?

Learn all you can from the browser page.

2. Open the source code for the web page you are researching and see what other keywords and phrases they use.

What are the other keywords? You will later do the same research on the new keywords you find.

If you do this and use the same strategies for keywords and phrase placement you will increase your own page ranking. Do this consistently and you will be able to pass those that are ranked ahead of you.

Look for other strategies from us on search engine optimization strategies that work.

About the Author

James Mann has been a computer hardware/software instructor and consultant for more than 20 years. James has been conducting business on the internet for the past 6 years and specializes in web site design, web graphics and search engine optimization.

James likes to help people succeed, like most marketers helping others only helps us and that is how James lives and works.

Learn About Search Engine Optimization Strategies That Work


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