Thursday, August 28, 2008

Work From Home - Make Money Online - Lesson 1

Alright, the purpose of this article course is to show you how to start your own Internet Business from scratch and how to profit from it.

Often, I'm asked, "What do I have to do to make Money Online?"

Well, pay close attention to this and the following lessons where I will show you how this is possible.

First of all, you need to find a profitable market online.

Without a profitable market it's very hard to make any money.

The best way to find a profitable market is with a Keyword Research.

Keywords are the words people type in to the Search Engines (Google, Yahoo & MSN) every time they make a search.

These keywords could be all all from money, cars, gardens, pets, books and much more. (Basically anything people are looking for).

For our part it's very important to know which words people are looking for.

By knowing the words people are looking for, we can also find out if the market is profitable or not. To our help we can use a Keyword Tool.

Keyword Tools

A Keyword Tool collects data from the search engines every month, and shows you the results by how many searches there has been made for every keyword specified.

In other words, A perfect way learn more about the market and it's competition!

Examples of Keyword Tools are SEOBook Keyword Tool, Google Adwords Keyword Tool, Good Keywords and Keyword Elite.

All these tools are very easy to use and accurate as well. All of them are free except from Keyword Elite which is a little bit more advanced.

So I would recommend you to do a Keyword Research before you start promoting or creating any products.

This way you'll know if there's any money to be made in the market.

Visit Internet Riches to learn:

* How to Make $10 000 in 4 Days Online
* How to Make Money Online with No Start-Up Money
* How to Find Profitabe Markets Online
* How to Create Your Own Best Selling Products
* How to Make Money from Others Products
* How to Get Tons of Traffic
* How to Keep 100% on Every Sale you Make
* Profitable Selling on Ebay
* Search Engine Optimization
* How to Reach Number #1 in Google
* Free Bonus Products to a Value of $451
* How to Become Your Own Boss

The author of this Article is an Internet Marketing and Professional SEO Consult.

Visit Internet Riches for more information & Step-by-Step Instructions to Online Profits.

"Footprints" Marketing - What Is It?

A few years ago, IBM developed a technology that helps stores learn more about their customers by following their footsteps.

According to Channel Web Network, IBM's technology -- called "Footprints" -- paints a digital map of the trails customers take through a store.

An IBM press release states, "The technology uses ceiling-mounted heat sensors -- similar to the ones used in motion detectors for alarm systems and home exterior lighting. Each sensor covers an area from one to two-and-a-half square feet. By compiling the data from multiple sensors and analyzing it by computer, retailers can determine how customers move through the store, how long they stay at a particular location and when traffic peaks and ebbs."

Here's the advantage to having this kind of technology: The layout of a store can be optimized for typical customer movements when tracking shopper's footsteps in the store. For example, if the tracking data tells you that people who are buyinng blue jeans are also buying t-shirts, it only makes sense to put the two items closer together, making access easier for the customer and spurring additional sales.

According to retail analysts, roughly 70 percent of all purchase decisions are made impulsively in the store. Shoppers typically spend less than five seconds thinking over each buy.

Also, customers actions are predictable: Customers tend to veer to the right soon after they enter a store, according to Paco Underhill, author of the book "Why We Buy." Underhill runs a New York consulting service that tracks consumers, often hiring consultants to literally follow shoppers as they walk through a store to learn more about what works and what doesn't. (Source: TechWeb.com)

According to IBM, Footprints also offers another advantage by preserving the privacy of the shopper. The data Footprints gathers only shows that a person or group of people were in a particular area at a particular time and doesn't discern other, more personal information.

While Footprints is interesting, this type of technology has existed online for many years, through your websites analytics program. You can literally track the exact movements of your websites visitors, including where they went, what action they took and how long they stayed on your website. For example, by carefully analyzing my websites analytics program, I know that the 5 most popular destinations on my website after my home page are the following categories:

1. Copywriting
2. Internet Marketing
3. Article Marketing
4. Internet Marketing Forums
5. Self Improvement/Motivational

Having this information at my fingertips allows me to concentrate on providing the type of content that my visitors actually want to read. It also allows me to put front and center the types of products and services my visitors would be most interested in purchasing. Catering to my visitors wants, needs and desires keeps them coming back to my website over and over again, and gives me numerous opportunities to convert them into customers.

Dale King is the owner of GuruKnowledge.org - The Ultimate Marketing Resource!

If you're tired of all the money-making hype, lies and scams...read this! http://guruknowledge.org/pages/The-Super-Affiliate-Handbook

Article Marketing - The Shocking Truth

Do you know the truth about article marketing? Article Marketing is one of the most powerful ways of creating a flow of traffic to your website, but you should know the whole truth.

If you are looking for a shot in your wallet over night then you are going to be disappointed. Article marketing is not designed to create this kind of income.

The major benefit of article marketing is longevity. The articles that you write today will serve you long into the future. In time you will find that the traffic visiting your website this month may have been generated by an article you wrote 3 months, 6 months, or more than a year ago. It is said that the older a fine wine is the better it gets. Article marketing works in much the same way. The longer you have been writing articles the more traffic will generated.

No, article marketing will not cause your bank account to grow by a number of zeros over night. You will see the zeros but they will come over time.

Think of article marketing kind of like a $1 membership site. The first month you get 100 subscribers. I know $100 per month does not sound like much but think of the growth over a six month period. The second month another 250 members join. Then 500 the third month, another 500 the fourth, 750 the fifth, and on the sixth month another 1000 join your membership site. You have grown from a mere $100 the first month to $3100 in the sixth month. This type of site has a cumulative effect. So does Article Marketing.

I know from experience that article marketing can be a bit frustrating in the beginning. Sometimes it seems like you are working so hard and seeing nothing in return. To be honest I hated it and almost quit on more than one occasion. When you are using article marketing as your entire source of advertising there is a virtue that you either must have or must develop and that is patience.

I set a goal for myself by deciding that I wanted 1000 articles published in one years time. Then I divided that number by 260 (52 weeks divided by 5 work days per week) and came up with a total of 4. Therefore I need to write a minimum of 4 articles per day.

Writing is the hardest but most important part. Decide how many articles you need per day and make sure you write them. Be consistent. Be diligent. Be disciplined. Be successful.

Lee Ruleman is an article marketing professional specializing in assisting others in achieving their goals in the internet business marketplace. To get Lee's brand new product A Complete Internet Business in an Easy Open Can please visit http://www.successfularticlemarketing.com

Affiliate Marketing for Beginners - The 5 Easy Steps to Get You Started

Even if you are a beginner to affiliate marketing, it is possible for you to get started in five easy steps. Here they are:

Step #1 - Choose A Profitable Market

Choosing a profitable market is very important because you do not want to be in a market that cannot produce profit for you. A profitable market is a market, which has many potential customers and many products for affiliate marketers to promote.

Step #2 - Select A Good Product To Start

After you find which market is profitable, then you need to choose a good product to start. Do not start with many products; most affiliate beginners make this one critical mistake.

When one product starts producing sales, you can start with another. Focusing on one product at a time will produce better results for you in the long-term.

Step #3 - Create Follow-up Email Series

From the beginning, even before your visitors seeing your web site, you should create follow-up email series by using autoresponder service or software.

Follow-up email series are just a collection of emails, which are pre-written and pre-scheduled to send to your visitors if they have signed up with your subscription form. These follow-ups allow you more time to contact and build relationships with your visitors in the future.

Step #4 - Build A Professional Landing Page

A landing page is just a simple web page with a subscription form for visitors to sign up as your subscribers. After they sign up, they will start getting follow-up email series from you. Plus, you also have more chance to send email promotions to them.

Step #5 - Generate Massive Web Traffic To Your Landing Page

There are many ways to generate web traffic to your web site, here are some of them: article marketing, pay-per-click search engine, market-related forum, blog commenting, yahoo answer, etc. Try to experience with the above techniques one-by-one. After some times, you will know which method brings the best traffic for you.


Even you are a beginner to affiliate marketing business, you can get started in just five simple steps: choose a profitable market, select a good product, create follow-up email series, build a landing page, and drive massive traffic to your landing page. After you start seeing sales from this one product, you can start adding more products to your list. Remember, it takes time and efforts before you master these basic steps.

Visit Darin Lorn's Affiliate Marketing for Beginners web site at http://www.darinlorn.com where you can learn more about internet marketing tips secrets and resources on how to make online profit from your home based business.