Friday, June 20, 2008

List Building 101 - The Complete Guide To Building A Profitable Email List

List building is one of the most important aspects that you need to focus on. Let us look at the main reason why. Your profits from your list will exceed the profits that your web site could ever generate by itself.

This is an extremely profound statement and if you did not understand it the first time that you read that statement I suggest that you read it again. This is why most of the top internet marketers advise you to build a profitable email list.

So let us look at how this process works. You need to first create a squeeze page and then upload it to your web site. The primary purpose of your squeeze page will be to offer a free report that your visitor can download. So you will drive traffic to your squeeze page. They will submit their email details to gain access to the report. These details will be sent to a company like Getresponse that you will use as an autoresponder. In the future you can follow up with your prospect using the autoresponder.

Now the real secret with building a big list is that you need to focus on a variety of methods. So for example if each method produces 3 leads a day then at the end of the day you will have generated 30 leads for the day. In a month that would approximately be 900 leads. You can expect to earn at least half a dollar for each lead that you generate a month. Top marketers are able to earn in excess of 2 dollars for each lead that they generate a month.

Typical methods that you can use to drive traffic to your squeeze page are article marketing where you include a link to your squeeze page in your bio, forum posting, ppc advertising and ezine advertising.

Are you really interested in driving massive traffic to your website?

Here's the answer:

Secrets Of Article Marketing - Download your free ebook now.

Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

One of the biggest complaints I get from people who have just started article marketing is that it is not working fast enough for them. You see, article marketing takes time. You cannot just write 10 or 20 articles and get response over night. What I have found is that an article produces over time month in and month out.

This is pretty important to recognize. You see, with article marketing, you are doing one or two things (or both): you are either writing a lot of articles and submitting them to a few high-traffic article directories, to generate immediate direct traffic, or you are writing a few articles and submitting them to a long list of article directories, building backlinks for high search engine rankings.

But in either case, your results will occur over time, over the course of months and years, not days and weeks. Sure, you may notice that your web site goes from a low pagerank to something higher, and often in a short period of time, but in most keyword markets you need multiple inbound links before you see huge levels of traffic to your web site, and that just doesnt happen overnight.

So you have to persevere.

You have to write a lot of articles, and submit them diligently, even before you begin to see results. I had about 200 articles online before I could claim quantifiable results but now, I am glad that I continued to submit articles, as I make a fulltime income doing just that.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1200 articles in print and 9 published ebooks.

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Writing articles for the internet is not the same as writing for print media. There are some common mistakes that writers make online that are likely to lose them potential readers and traffic.

Writers need to understand that people have very short attention spans while reading online. If your article doesn't address their immediate concerns or is difficult to read, all they have to do is click away - and you end up losing a reader.

If you're a writer who wants to leverage your articles to get maximum traffic and ensure that your readers enjoy reading it online, here are some guidelines you should follow.

1. Find Out What Your Readers Want

The best way to boost your visibility online is to provide specific information that people are searching for. While researching topics for your article, input your root keyword into the keyword research tool here to find out what keywords people enter into search engines while researching your topic. Keep a list of these keywords handy when writing your article and use them in creative ways.


Search for information using keywords related to the topic you plan to write about on the sites below, and see what other people are writing about it.

http://www.ezinearticles.com http://www.technorati.com

Get familiar with these resources. They will help you focus your writing around the needs and interests of potential readers. Write articles that address those specific needs and your traffic and visibility will skyrocket.

2. Give Your Keywords Prominence

I recommend that you never stuff your article with keywords. It doesnt work anyway, and it will make your article unreadable and useless. Always write your articles with the reader in mind.

However, do remember that search engines give more weight to keywords that are included in specific locations in your article (a concept known as keyword prominence). o while writing your article, its good practice to include your keywords in the following locations in order to leverage them for maximum visibility.

Article Title: Try to include your primary keywords in the first half of your title.

Article Sub-head: Use a catchy subheading for your article and try to include synonyms for your keywords.

Paragraph titles: Include specific keywords related to your topic in your paragraph titles

3. Get More Readers With A Catchy Title

A catchy, topical or provocative title will always attract more attention and get you more click-throughs and readers, but always en sure that it corresponds with the theme of your article. Titles that are catchy but misleading are not appreciated by either publishers or readers.

4. Boost Readability For All Your Readers

There are two kinds of readers online those who read an article in detail, and those who scan through it. For the sake of the latter, break up your articles into paragraphs, each of which makes a point, and use a title for the paragraph that effectively sums up the points you made in the text.

Write a catchy title for each paragraph. Keep your paragraphs short. Long riffs are difficult to read online. I usually prefer a maximum of 2 to 3 sentences per paragraph, but longer is acceptable. The use of bulleted points and numbered lists also boosts readability.

5. Follow Good Language Guidelines

Unless your audience comprises other writers and poets, few readers appreciate long-winded and pretentious prose online. Remember that the average visitor online reads at the level of a sixth-grader. So keep your sentences short. Use words that are simple and easy to comprehend.

Write complete sentences, but keep your tone conversational. Write as though you were talking to a friend. Avoid the use of slang, colloquialisms (unless necessary to make a point) and swear words.

Always check for blatant grammar and spelling errors using a spellchecker. If possible, get a second and third opinion on your article before sending it out to publishers and article directories.

Copyright Priya Shah.
Priya Shah is a partner in the blog publishing company, Connect10 and writes an internet marketing blog. Visit Article Writing Tips for more article marketing tips and tools. This article may be reprinted as long as the resource box is left intact and all links are hyperlinked.

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

People go online mostly to find information that can be useful and relevant to their lives. They usually access article submission sites as these are goldmines of free and informative articles. When they find an article that is very informative, useful, and well-written, they are most likely to bookmark it or find its writer. They click on the article's resource box to access the author's website giving it increased traffic. This is how article marketing works. As an online entrepreneur, it could be your best traffic generating tool as it can drive online users to your website without the need to spend a single dime.

1. Wow your readers. By this, I simply mean learn how to please them. This is an effective way to drive them to your website. Make sure that your articles contain all the information they need and that they are well-written, interesting to read, and engaging. Give them all the reasons to trust you so they will eventually consider doing business with you. Showcase your expertise through your content and be very generous in sharing trade secrets, techniques, and tips that they cannot find elsewhere.

2. Make your articles easy to understand. Avoid using offbeat acronyms that only few people can understand. Steer clear from using big words that can only cause confusion and strive to use short but effective sentences. Remember, your objective is to inform and not to impress.

3. Write numerous articles. To be successful in this field, you must never be contented with the number of your articles and submissions. Strive to write more by spending more time writing or by producing short articles that are quicker to write. You can also hire ghostwriters who can give you quality content for a fee.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Article marketing involves a very simple exchange of value:

(1) Writers compose articles that they submit to ezines and to other web based publications; and

(2) Those ezines publish the articles, listing them with search engines, while providing readers and publicity to the writers. Ezines receive much of their compensation from running Google ads.

But what if a writer submits nothing, no articles? Is he entitled to compensation in the form of publicity? Of course, he isn't.

And if the ezine doesn't exist, is it entitled to receive any rights to articles?

Heck, no.

But there is just such an ezine that doesn't function, yet it is fishing for the rights to apparently do as it wishes with the output of writers, without offering anything of current value, in turn.

As a fellow writer, let me caution you against doing business with anyone that has a come-on such as the following offer that was emailed to me, recently:


I am promoting a new article website. The site is now ready to accept new articles and I would like to invite you to publish some of the fantastic articles I have seen on the internet. Please visit --- to sign-up.

The site is currently not listed on most search engines as we are awaiting quality content for our readers before any search engines trawl the site. Once these articles are in place we are sure you will enjoy the benefits of high volume traffic to your site from ours.



Where is the value, here?

If they don't get enough quality articles, as they put it, will they even bother to promote the site?

Do yourself a favor. Deal exclusively with EXISTING sites that are already tracked by search engines. And don't give away any of your valuable rights without getting DEFINITE VALUE, in return.

Dr. Gary S. Goodman is a top trainer, conference and convention speaker, sales, customer service, and negotiation consultant, and attorney. A frequent expert commentator on radio and TV, he is also the best-selling author of 12 books, more than 1,000 articles and several popular audio and video programs. His seminars are sponsored internationally and he teaches at more than 40 university extension programs, including UC Berkeley and UCLA. Gary's sales, management and consulting experience is combined with impressive academic credentials: A Ph.D. from USC, an MBA from the Peter F. Drucker School of Management, and a J.D. degree from Loyola Law School, his clients include several Fortune 1000 companies.

His web site is: http://www.customersatisfaction.com and he can be reached at: gary@customersatisfaction.com - His blogs include: YOUR CUSTOMER SERVICE SUCKS! and ALWAYS COLD CALL! at: http://www.alwayscoldcall.blogspot.com

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Let me ask you a very important question. Are you still struggling to see results from your article marketing efforts? In this article I would like to go through some advanced methods that you can use to get the most out of your article marketing efforts.

1) Send all your traffic to a squeeze page

I see many article marketers making this mistake. They send the traffic that they get from article marketing to an affiliate link or their own sales page of the product that they sell. It is very important that you send traffic to your own squeeze page. The primary reason for this is that the conversion will be very low if you send traffic to a sales page directly. If you are lucky you may get a one percent conversion rate. By first capturing the details of your subscriber and building a relationship with them you will significantly improve your conversion.

2) Offer a free report of value

If you are selling a specific product I suggest that you offer a free report for download. Make sure that this is of significant value. This will dramatically improve your conversion rate. By first building credibility and also establishing that you are an expert in you chose niche market you will build up trust with your prospect and this will increase your sales.

3) Hire a ghostwriter

One of the problems that many article marketers face is that they do not have sufficient time to write enough articles with this method of marketing. To be successful with this method of marketing you need to have at least 250 articles to start seeing measurable results. Unfortunately this method of marketing is very time intensive. So if you are struggling to write a lot of articles consider hiring a ghostwriter to help you out.

Are you really interested in driving massive traffic to your website?

Here's the answer:

Secrets Of Article Marketing - Download your free ebook now.

Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

There will always be good times and bad times associated with life in general. This is also true when you are talking about article marketing. Some days you will be on top of your game and everything will be going right. Just one simple change in the search engines, however, and you will find yourself struggling with being on the bottom. What can be done with your bum marketing efforts to ensure that you are covered in case something changes for the worse?

What is necessary is for you to position yourself properly so that you are prepared to lose at least part of your efforts. Even though all of us would like for everything to always run smoothly, this is always a possibility. The internet is constantly changing for those of us that use it commercially. Sometimes it changes for the better and sometimes it changes for the worse. Even though you can not anticipate any of these changes, you can prepare your efforts so that you are going at it from several angles. In this way, when the changes come it will not totally devastate you. But how can this be done?

Those of us that are using article marketing to drive traffic to our internet websites usually do it so that we can flip our visitors over to an affiliate program without delay. A better idea would be to start to collect some information from our visitors before sending them off to another page. If you lost your means of traffic you always will have that list of contacts to marketing to. This is especially beneficial if those visitors are arranged by subject so that you know what they are interested in and can target them with related material. This is a much better and more profitable way to market other than simply shuffling them off to an affiliate program right away.

Another way to make your efforts safe is to spread out over several different markets. In this way you will make sure that your entire system does not come crashing down all at one time. If an affiliate program decides to stop then you should already have another marketing plan in effect. Don't hold onto something that is no longer working, take advantage of the changes in the market and go after them.

Google tends to love certain websites and they certainly are a great way to drive traffic, but what if that love goes away? Don't ever plan on Google staying the same forever. Take advantage of what you know is working but don't be slow to stop when it dries up. By ensuring that your bum marketing efforts are coming from many different angles you will be sure that you can roll with any of the punches that Google and the internet in general will throw at you.

Learn Article Marketing from the Pros and Get 19 More Tips To Make $100 A Day


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