Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Article writing can be very demanding. Along the way you will get dispirited…you'll want to lie down and give up. In the early stages it takes much more effort than we expect. Most of us are not naturally good writers so there are skills to be acquired and new work habits to be developed.

Article writing as a source of leads for your online business will surely challenge you to dig down, suck in and just keep on going.

But it will be worth it!

Why? Because it works!

How does it work? It works because of three things:

1. The big article Directories have very high SEO rankings so you can piggyback on their success to get your site noticed. People searching will find your article. On your own it could take years.

2. With 10 or 20 articles in the works your website will be miraculously indexed by the search engines because of your links to the big article directories…you're on the map.

3. Other Ezine and Newsletter publishers pick up your article and run it in their publication and put it on their site. Others see it on their site and do the same etc. etc.

It just grows and grows!

Article writing will return your effort 100 fold…and in quite a short space of time. But it's like Network Marketing; painfully slow to start, but for those who stick around…the really big payoff!

With article writing you can hit pay dirt in 12 months or less if you are able to stay focused and committed.

Here's why it works so well:

First off-there's not much competition. Lot's of writers get started but they fall off the path. Not too many people are willing to go blindly into the future, performing a demanding task day after day with no noticeable payoff for quite a while.

For a while you have to be happy with milestones…how many people read my articles today? Is my readership growing? (the directories will provide these stats for you).

Most people are looking for the quick fix. You see it everywhere…just send your money and we'll build your business for you.

Folks it doesn't work like that. Most millionaires are business owners and they spent a lifetime steadily building their businesses to get there.

So when you become a committed article writer you join a select community of winners who are willing to go forward in faith until the results show up.

If you stay the course you will be rewarded!

It takes time and commitment to write and publish 200 articles. You need 200 articles in circulation to get enough readers clicking your link, visiting your site, accepting your offer and opting-in to your list.

With 20 articles published you may have only 5 people added to your list and quit writing in despair…don't do that, don't give up. You're almost there.

The growth will be exponential! Here's how it might happen.

With 40 articles your list can grow to 200 plus-with 100 you can have 500 on your list and with 200 articles your list may have grown as big as 2000 subscribers.(PLEASE NOTE:these numbers are just guesstimates. Don't take this as a promise that this is exactly how it will happen for you).

Now you're starting to make some worthwhile income.

If you write just 2 articles a day you can have 200 articles in publication by the end of 3 months.

Once the money starts to flow there'll be no looking back.

Here's the challenge. Can you go the distance? Can you dig in until it starts to happen for you?

If you want to find out more about Article Writing I have written a new book:

Learn how to Use "The Secret Magic of Article Writing" to Start and Run a Successful Online Business.

Download it FREE here: "The Secret Magic of Article Writing"

Try my other FREE book: "Three Surefire Ways to Make Money Online"

Jim Keayes is an expert Internet Marketer. He teaches people to be successful online.

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

A few days ago, I wrote about SEO and some of the ways to help make your URL more search engine friendly. I also talked about the other ways of improving your SEO by getting other sites to link to you. Remember that there is essentially 2 main types of links:

1) One-Way Links
2) Reciprocal Links

(Yes, I know there are circular links, three-way links, etc, but these can technically be included in the "one-way" links categories...we will discuss that in a second). First, a reciprocal link is one where you are offering links one-for-one with another website: "If you put my URL on your website, I will place your link on my website." This is the foundation of what people refer to as a "link exchange." Mind you, a link exchange can be more than just an eye for an eye. This can include: "If you put my site on your site, I will link back to yours from another one of my websites". Also, some people swap URLs in circular manners. This is a follow-on of the last thing I talked about. Let's take a step back for a second and review the two:

Reciprocal Link: site A <-> site B
Three-Way Link: URL A -> URL B -> URL C
So the Circular link is as follows:
Circular Link: URL A -> URL B -> URL C -> site A

Now the big issue is: Does it matter?, there is a lot of concern on whether reciprocal links are really worth anything? Do they cancel each other out? Secondly, what is the difference between the Three-Way link, the Circular link and is that a concern?

Basically, there is really no answer to any of these questions. What I do know is this:

1) One-Way links are better than Reciprocal Links
2) Three-Way links are superior than Circular Links. There is some belief that Google, for example, is smart enough to realize the full circle of links.
3) Any link that is directed to your website (reciprocal or not) is a good backlink.

You will not be penalized for who links to YOU. However, who you link TO needs to be given some consideration. Remember, you are GIVING your PageRank with whomever you are linking to. Further, if you are linking to not related, obsolete, or removed websites, Google may punish you for it.

But at the end of the day, getting links pointing to your website is always a good thing. I will go over some great ways of getting one-way links in upcoming articles. Until then...

Matthew is the currently the founder of a review website: TheWebReviewer: Get Rich Quick Schemes Revealed!. The website includes reviews, forum, articles, free eBooks and more. Matt is 32 years old and currently living in San Diego, California.

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

With the steady and fast acceleration of the web in every aspect of life, internet marketing services has now grown to become the most popular web service used to strategically proceed towards a profitable return for any business. Many describe internet marketing as an endorsement of your products and services online. For an effective and profitable business endorsement, one requires to religiously follow certain set guidelines so as to ensure better return from your investment.

The most essential use of any internet marketing service is that it adds to your website traffic inflow. It creates a brand name for your website through its ad campaigns and it also establishes a place for your goods and products in the industry. Before you begin your internet marketing plan there are a few things that you should always remember in order to ensure a profitable internet marketing strategy.

The first step in internet marketing service is to set your target buyers. Meaning, you need to identify the niche market for your product. This will help you to further take steps considering the requirement of your buyers so that you serve only what they wish to have on their plate.

Once your buyers or clients have been set aside, you need to concentrate in making a wholesome internet marketing strategy. Here you shall not only consider your market and their requirement but also your goals, your objectives and your resources. Without these fundamental facts it is difficult to proceed in your internet marketing services.

Next comes the designing and branding part of your online business. Here you need to keep your target audience in mind always, and then move forward towards designing your banners and ads. The content for these ads must be catchy and appealing to the target audience. You must also always remember to adapt newer and different approaches to your internet marketing strategy in order to excel in what ever you are doing.

About the Author- Meenakshi Wali is an expert in Internet marketing solutions, presently working with Rupiz Media LTD., one of the leading internet marketing company, offering online marketing services, SEO services and search engine marketing over the globe.

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

There's a reason why the top income earners from article marketing are able to do what they do - they have the willpower. They have the motivation to write 5-10 articles a day and submit them diligently to article directories. They have a system that they use almost every day to build their business, whether they are promoting their blogs, their sales pages or their lead capture pages.

If you want to make it with articles, you have to got to have this willpower. Let's face it, many of us write a few articles and then we stop. The main reason is because we don't see any results from these few articles. Well I'm here to tell you that this form of marketing is a long-term strategy. But when this strategy is in place, boy will you receive tons of traffic!

Whenever you feel bored or disinterested in writing the articles (when you know you should be), motivate yourself. Do it with music, or think of your goals. Do you really want to quit the rat race? Do you want that car you are eying? Then take massive action. Now.

Go and write those articles because while you are waiting around doing nothing, others are churning out articles left, right and center and absolutely dominating their marketplace. They are making affiliate sales, capturing leads or selling their products in abundance. Simply because they possess that willpower.

If you want to make the money you know you should have, then stick with a strategy and work it for at least a few months. You know article marketing is a long-term strategy, so take long-term, consistent action.

Fabian Tan is the author of the free 51-Page Report:

"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"

Head over to http://www.MurderYourJob.com to get your free copy now before it's gone!

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Don't tell me you are one of those people who type in a keyword into software and just targets the keywords that yield the highest search counts? You wouldn't waste your time doing that now would you? If you have, don't worry, this article is written for you.

Why should you listen to me?

I have spent literally hundreds of hours reading e-books and other relevant sources for this information. I work professionally as an SEO and I have had huge success in some of the highest margin markets on the web. Over the length of this article I will be sharing with you a system I use to aid me through my efforts.

Before doing keyword research you need to ask yourself these two very important questions:

1. What is the demand for the keywords I am researching?

2. What is the supply?

Most SEO professionals use their common sense and often try to find the answer; they just do it the wrong way. If you own a site that sells Wireless Vacuum Cleaners it's easy to type your market into Overture's Keyword Selector Tool and get a list of hundreds of relevant keywords and their search counts. What you do with this information is what's important. Some people think an expensive WordTracker subscription using the Keyword Effectiveness Index is the answer: they are crazy.

WordTracker is an amazing tool for building huge keyword lists, but its competition-research data is riddled with holes (KEI should be used only marginally, its data should be used amongst a bevy of tools).

Myth: The number of competing pages that show up in bold when running a search on any search engine is an accurate indicator of the keywords competition.

Fact: This has got to be one of the most common misconceptions in online marketing. Whether a keyword yields 99,000,000 competing pages or 100,000 it doesn't matter.

To find out the true competition of a keyword you should KNOW the following for the keywords you are targeting in Google:

What is the total quantity of back-links pointing to the top 10 ranked sites?

How many times is the 'keyword' used in the anchor text linking back to the top 10 ranked sites?

How many sites use that particular keyword in their title tag? (you can use the allintitle:'keyword' search for this data)

Do the top 10 sites all have the 'keyword' in their Meta description & keyword tags?

Do those top 10 sites all have the 'keyword' in a header tag somewhere on the body of their page?

Do the top 10 sites use the 'keyword' in the first and last 25 words of the page?

Do the top 10 competing sites bold, underline, or italicize the 'keyword' somewhere on the page?

Once you gather all of this data you'll know EXACTLY how much competition is involved for the keyword(s) you plan on targeting.

Why you need to know this information:

Regardless of how much time you put into your efforts, if the top sites all have 10,000+ back-links with properly optimized websites you might find it extremely difficult or impossible to ever sniff the first page of Google. With the popularity of SEO these days, it is a complete liability not to know this information before running a SEO campaign.

As you can imagine doing this manually is a detailed & time consuming process. Researching the sites ranked 1-10 for all of your keywords relevant to your market can be an exhausting task. I use a WordTracker subscription and love its tools for building large lists; KeywordDiscoveries software had some nice features as well. I've used free tools like GoodKeywords and Overture Keyword Selector Tool but none really gave me the raw data I needed to truly gauge my competition.

For a while, I simply had to research each individual keyword using the search engines and click through each individual site. It was a time consuming task but nonetheless it was effective and very profitable. I thankfully now have access to software that automates the whole process for me. It gives me the information I need before I choose what keywords to target. To read a controversial review, about this new industry standard software visit http://www.keywordkingdom.com/keyword_software_scam_revealed.html

When all is said and done, I hope I have instilled in you the importance of going the extra length to research the competition and not just aimlessly target keywords. You cannot overlook this step; it can be the difference between a successful campaign and an utter failure.

David C. Chase is giving away his new, quick and easy mini-course "The 7 Simple, yet Wildly Successful Strategies for SEO" to the first 250 signups absolutely free. Click here to subscribe today while memberships are available.

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

If you are a webmasters and you have a knack for writing, you have won half the battle of promoting your website. It's because you can fare well on one of the best traffic-generating techniques these days - article marketing.

Here are the 5 practical steps to explode your article marketing campaign:

1. Make sure that each word that you use on your articles reflects your expertise and professionalism. Eliminate colloquial terms on your copies. Words like "wanna", "sorta", "meany", etc. must not have a room on your articles. Instead, stick with words that are deemed professional and appropriate for content writing.

2. Write to inform not to impress. Some webmasters are sometimes too excited to show off their knowledge without considering if the information they write about are useful to their readers. To quickly build a following, you must make sure that your first priority in writing your articles is to educate your readers with useful, relevant information.

3. Build your credibility. Cite a major accomplishment in your resource box. If have earned $5000 a month in promoting an affiliate product, that is considered a milestone in your career. Include this in your resource box and you can be assured that online users would like to know how you have done it so they can reap the same rewards. In addition, you can also build your credibility by posting testimonials of your most satisfied clients on your website.

4. Submit your articles to publishing sites, blogs, websites, or compile them to create an eBook. In article marketing, you are not limited to article submission sites in distributing your copies. Find other avenues where you can post your articles to increase their exposure.

5. Use your articles as viral marketing tool. You can compile your relevant articles to one eBook and make it available for download. Let your readers know that they can share this eBook to their friends and family members so you widen your reach.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

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