How to Use Article Services for Improved Search Engine Listings
If you know how to use article services for improved search engine listings, henceforth called SERPs (search engine result positions), for specific targeted keywords by seeking a good article ghost writer and having your articles written professionally, then you can rapidly give your website a kick up the rankings.
Article marketing is currently a very popular means of generating website traffic, and also of improving the Page Rank of specific web pages. Google Page Rank is determined by the number of links back to a specified web page from other ranked web pages relative to the number of links leaving that same web page. By choosing highly ranked article directories, it is possible to use article marketing to increase your page rank in addition to attracting highly focused visitors to your website.
In order to achieve this you have to use the right strategy, make sure that your article is well written and relevant to the keywords that it is optimized for, and that it is designed more as a teaser that leaves the reader wanting to read more, than as a complete product that answers all the questions.
The authors resource box, or bio, must also be well designed, not only to attract the click, but also to provide the most appropriate target page on your website that will bring you most benefit. Lets have a look at how to do that, and explain what an article services site can do for you.
You either know your topic or niche well or you dont. If you know it well, and write your own articles, you might just overcook it and either provide information at too high and complex a level, or write on and on and bore the reader with far too long an article. An article should be short and snappy, but not so short that it gives nothing. It all depends on how it is constructed and written.
A 300 400 word article can be sufficient, or it could take 800 900 words to whet the appetite of the reader. It depends on the niche. You must leave readers wanting more, and compel them to click to your site.
This is where a good ghost writer can do a good job for you. One article can be worth a lot of money to you and you should not worry about paying for it. No articles should cost more than $15, and most services price them lower. It is easy to calculate the cost against potential benefits by tracking the effectiveness of your articles. Your website tracking analysis should allow you to determine the source of visitors to your website, and how many from each source made purchases.
In this way, you can carry out a cost analysis on your articles and any other marketing technique used to sell your products. What is difficult or even impossible to quantify is the contribution made by individual articles or authors to your Google Page Rank, and hence SERPs for each of your web pages. What you could do is to run specific article marketing campaigns, one at a time over a period of time, checking the dates that the search engines crawled your site, and determining any changes in your listings over each period.
You can then determine whether to write your own articles or employ an article services website to do it for you. The site could also probably submit the articles to appropriate article directories for you, and also write your bio box. The bio, or resource box is a very important part of your article that many authors fail to use to its best advantage. Here are some tips for you.
Write in the third person, but use your first name. Be positive and dont hesitate to promote your personality or outlook. You are selling yourself and your website so approach it with a sales attitude. For example:
Sue is experienced in article marketing, and has a very positive attitude to the topic that she loves. Her ability to express any customers requirements in a visual form from her web page Article Services gives her great satisfaction. She is very approachable and you can contact her at her website if you are planning to give your own website a kick up the rankings.
The anchor text should be linked to a web page within the website that relates to the topic of the article, rather than the home page. That is a more powerful link than a home page link. However you also have the home page link after, if you are allowed two links.
That is much better than More information on Sues article services can be obtained from her site
That is how to use article services for improved search engine listings, rather than try it yourself. You might very well be successful, but the resource boxes written by professionals tend to be a lot more productive that anything that webmasters produce themselves.
Peter is an experienced freelance article writer whose zest for article marketing is surpassed only by his ability to bring success to his customers from his website More information on his approach to article marketing is available from his Article Marketing web page.