Friday, June 6, 2008

How to Use Article Services for Improved Search Engine Listings

If you know how to use article services for improved search engine listings, henceforth called SERPs (search engine result positions), for specific targeted keywords by seeking a good article ghost writer and having your articles written professionally, then you can rapidly give your website a kick up the rankings.

Article marketing is currently a very popular means of generating website traffic, and also of improving the Page Rank of specific web pages. Google Page Rank is determined by the number of links back to a specified web page from other ranked web pages relative to the number of links leaving that same web page. By choosing highly ranked article directories, it is possible to use article marketing to increase your page rank in addition to attracting highly focused visitors to your website.

In order to achieve this you have to use the right strategy, make sure that your article is well written and relevant to the keywords that it is optimized for, and that it is designed more as a teaser that leaves the reader wanting to read more, than as a complete product that answers all the questions.

The authors resource box, or bio, must also be well designed, not only to attract the click, but also to provide the most appropriate target page on your website that will bring you most benefit. Lets have a look at how to do that, and explain what an article services site can do for you.

You either know your topic or niche well or you dont. If you know it well, and write your own articles, you might just overcook it and either provide information at too high and complex a level, or write on and on and bore the reader with far too long an article. An article should be short and snappy, but not so short that it gives nothing. It all depends on how it is constructed and written.

A 300 400 word article can be sufficient, or it could take 800 900 words to whet the appetite of the reader. It depends on the niche. You must leave readers wanting more, and compel them to click to your site.

This is where a good ghost writer can do a good job for you. One article can be worth a lot of money to you and you should not worry about paying for it. No articles should cost more than $15, and most services price them lower. It is easy to calculate the cost against potential benefits by tracking the effectiveness of your articles. Your website tracking analysis should allow you to determine the source of visitors to your website, and how many from each source made purchases.

In this way, you can carry out a cost analysis on your articles and any other marketing technique used to sell your products. What is difficult or even impossible to quantify is the contribution made by individual articles or authors to your Google Page Rank, and hence SERPs for each of your web pages. What you could do is to run specific article marketing campaigns, one at a time over a period of time, checking the dates that the search engines crawled your site, and determining any changes in your listings over each period.

You can then determine whether to write your own articles or employ an article services website to do it for you. The site could also probably submit the articles to appropriate article directories for you, and also write your bio box. The bio, or resource box is a very important part of your article that many authors fail to use to its best advantage. Here are some tips for you.

Write in the third person, but use your first name. Be positive and dont hesitate to promote your personality or outlook. You are selling yourself and your website so approach it with a sales attitude. For example:

Sue is experienced in article marketing, and has a very positive attitude to the topic that she loves. Her ability to express any customers requirements in a visual form from her web page Article Services gives her great satisfaction. She is very approachable and you can contact her at her website xxxxx.com if you are planning to give your own website a kick up the rankings.

The anchor text should be linked to a web page within the website that relates to the topic of the article, rather than the home page. That is a more powerful link than a home page link. However you also have the home page link after, if you are allowed two links.

That is much better than More information on Sues article services can be obtained from her site xxxx.com

That is how to use article services for improved search engine listings, rather than try it yourself. You might very well be successful, but the resource boxes written by professionals tend to be a lot more productive that anything that webmasters produce themselves.

Peter is an experienced freelance article writer whose zest for article marketing is surpassed only by his ability to bring success to his customers from his website http://www.article-services.com More information on his approach to article marketing is available from his Article Marketing web page.

Strategies For Thawing Out A Frozen Market

Since it seems that any potential remedies offered by the federal government to address the frozen market for home sales and mortgages could take months to have a large impact, both builders and existing homeowners stuck with unwanted inventory have, by necessity, become much more creative. From housing swaps, auctions and providing insurance against pricing declines to leveraging unused home equity with reverse mortgages or offering hard money property loans, some sellers and buyers are finding that a little ingenuity can sometimes trump a market in paralysis. For some sellers not willing to wait for the market to rebound, swapping one home for another can break the logjam starting with the most efficient of mediums, the Internet. Starting as low as $19.95, potential swappers can list their homes on one of several websites which, according to a recent article in the Wall Street Journal, collectively offer 16,000 such postings. Over at classified advertising behemoth Craigslist.org, home swap listings soared to nearly 7,400 by the end of 2007. Builders are also getting jumping in - albeit gently - by offering to buy older trade-ins much like car dealers have done for years. Although that can simply mean substituting older inventory for new, by spreading out these unsold homes builders can more effectively control potential pricing declines and defend already fragile images. To protect everyone's interests, experts strongly recommend using the same escrow company which won't close the deals until all parties are in agreement, especially in those instances in which money exchanges hands.

After a hiatus during the boom years, real estate auctions have also made a comeback, but now are increasingly used by individuals just as much as developers. Now approaching a $60 billion industry, both sellers and buyers agree that auctions are an efficient and objective way to determine a property's true market price. In addition, buyers at auctions are more serious than model home 'be-backs': to even participate they usually have to arrive with cash or casher's checks of $10,000 to $20,000 and close within 30 to 45 days. Although accepting discounts of up to 40 percent or more may be hard to accept for most builders, the associated carrying costs for finished inventory over weeks or months in pursuit of a full-price sale could very well be a wash. And of course to a builder saddled with empty streets, an obviously lived-in house lit up at night pays even larger marketing dividends well after the sale.

Since many buyers continue to stubbornly await some mysterious green light to tell them it's again time to buy, some builders are offering a form of pricing insurance that protects customers during the time period between a signed contract and a closed escrow. While Ryland Homes will reportedly offer price protection to anyone who asks, KBHome is taking a more aggressive stance and planning to launch its program to 35 markets in early 2008. A high-rise condo-hotel project in Seattle is even getting into the act -- reportedly the first development of its kind to do so in that region. Still, such an idea is still in its test phase - something Lennar found out in Florida before ending its own program. But with cancellation rates remaining at record-high rates, even denting them by 10 percentage points could make a big different to the bottom line.

Builders which cater to an active adult buyer - such as Del Webb, Meritage Active Adult Communities or Shea Homes' Trilogy product line - could also conceivably benefit from a recent boom in reverse mortgages. With private lenders such as Countrywide, Wells Fargo and IndyMac's Financial Freedom now rolling out jumbo reverse mortgages that don't cap loan amounts like the FHA variety, borrowers can use the cash proceeds for any use they want - including the purchase of second homes that are used less than 50 percent of the time. Once derided as loans of last resort for poor seniors, reverse mortgages are increasingly seen as unique and useful financial planning tools that can leverage untapped home equity and can provide long-term security as well as maintain comfortable lifestyles. Best of all, the proceeds from reverse mortgages - whether in the form of a lump sum, monthly payments or credit lines - don't count as income against Social Security or Medicare benefits.

Finally, for those buyers who simply can't wait to move and with sufficient equity of their own, 'hard money' mortgages - which require collateral as high as 30% to 40% to minimize risk but charge an interest rate premium and high fees -- can lend borrowers some time until some much-needed liquidity returns to the market. Although used mostly by the wealthy, some experts believe that the disappearance of the sub-prime market could prove a boon to investors looking for a higher rate of return than can be found on Wall Street but without the risk of today's mortgage securities. After all, the markets can't thaw out until even the most creative of players are willing to act.

Patrick S. Duffy
MetroIntelligence Real Estate Advisors

Author, the Housing Chronicles blog


Internet Marketing And Search Engine Optimization - Is It Time To Call In A Professional?

Setting up an internet based business or web site is an extremely easy task nowadays and many web masters manage to do it themselves without any professional help. However, with everybody putting up their websites on the internet, competition in the virtual word has become at least ten times tougher than what it is in the real world. Making a web site a success is not an easy task anymore. In fact, it is one of the toughest ones. It is because of this reason that having a professional internet marketing plan in action is extremely necessary for any business that wants to make its mark on the World Wide Web. If you are really serious about your web based business or site, then you should definitely engage the services of a good internet marketing company. Some of the main ways in which a professional internet marketing company can help your web site are:

Create A Professional Marketing Plan For Your Business: Marketing in the virtual world is very different from marketing in the real world. As a result, even very good marketers fail when it comes to marketing on the internet. By engaging the services of a good internet marketing company, you can at least ensure that you get a good internet marketing plan that has been specially created while keeping your web based business and the environment that it has to operate in mind.

Get Better Web Page Rankings: Almost ninety per cent of internet visitors use a search engine like Google or Alta Vista when they want to find something online. The majority of these people check out only the top ten or at max the top twenty search results before either locating what they want or giving up. If your web site does not make it to the top of search engine rankings, then you can bid your dreams of having a successful e-business good bye. Internet marketing companies use a variety of search engine optimization techniques that should help you in getting to the top of search engine rankings within a short span of time.

Get Higher Rate Of Conversions: A professional internet marketing company will not only help you in marketing your web page, it will also help you with designing it in such a manner that results in higher sales or conversions. Most internet marketing companies have conversion architecture experts who will help you in creating pages that convert a visitor into a customer.

Get Targeted Traffic To Your Web Site: Nobody sets up a store at a place where a customer cannot locate it. Unfortunately, by creating a web business, you end up doing exactly the same thing. Without a lot of help from your internet marketing company, a customer can never locate a website on the internet. By using internet marketing strategies like article marketing, viral marketing, pay- per -click ads, directory submissions and link building, an internet marketing company can help in generating a lot of relevant traffic to your website which would otherwise not even manage to get a single visitor.

Peter Milazzo has been involved with sales and marketing for over 25 years. He was the top sales person for a major U.S. corporation for many years and is now a successful entrepreneur. If you would like to discover hundreds of proven money making strategies for your Internet business go to LearnFromAnInternetMillionaire.com

Profitable Article Marketing - Announcing 5 Advanced Ways to Amplify Your Article Marketing

Article marketing is one technique that doesn't involve any risk. Imagine driving traffic to your site for free and getting qualified clients by just writing articles. It's really that easy and there is no catch! However, in other to be successful, you have to make sure that your articles are worth distributing. They must be well-written, useful, informative, and interesting. If you really are an expert on your chosen niche and you have a knack for writing, you wouldn't have any problem reaching the ladder of success in this method.

Here are the advanced ways to amplify your article marketing.

1. Attention-grabbing titles make difference. To increase your clickthrough rates you have to make sure that your titles are enticing enough. They must communicate the gist of your articles and they must be focus on human interest. In addition, they must also be compelling, short, brief, and direct to the point.

2. Insert keywords on your articles. This will help your writing material fare well on search result when online users search for your information. Make sure that you put your major keywords on your titles, sub titles, and on every paragraph of your articles.

3. Keep your articles short. Online users prefer short articles than longer ones. So, if you can get your message across using fewer words, the better. It would help if you can make your articles scannable by using bullet or numbered lists when you are giving tips or instructions.

4. Write more articles. When you do, you will be able to obtain more link back for your website and that would mean increased in website traffic and improved page ranking.

5. Include a brief summary of your articles. This will be helpful in making sure that your readers remember the important points that were raised on your articles.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

How To Get Your Visitors To Knock Each Other To Rush Into Your List!

The money is in the list - or so they say but it is really true for Internet Marketing? It sure is and having a good list of targeted subscribers is the one way to take your business to a whole new level.

To earn a lot of money on the Internet, you need to build your list. Every successful Internet marketer has a big list. In fact, they can just send an email and generate thousands of dollars in minutes.

I don't know for you, but I like to click a simple broadcast button and see my paypal or clickbank account on fire.

To build an list, the first thing you need to do is to create an optin page.

Why You Should Build a Squeeze Page?

Many webmasters newbies make a huge mistake here. They just build a web page and add a small optin box in the sidebar or even worst at the bottom of the page.

The problem is that visitors don't notice the optin form and never sign up to their lists. No wonder why they don't earn a lot of money.

By using a squeeze page you can 'sell' your newsletter or optin in a more effective way than just having this small optin box in the corner of a webpage.

Once you have built your squeeze page you will need to drive traffic to your page to get plenty of sign ups. A very effective way of driving traffic to your squeeze page is by using article marketing.

So take the time to build your squeeze page so that your visitors will be knocking each other over in a rush to join your list and you will start to see some amazing growth in your bank balance in no time.

To learn more, download my Free Guide: "How To Earn $100K Per Year With Article Marketing".

Franck Silvestre makes thousands of dollars a year from affiliate and article marketing. Wonder what the secret to his success is? Discover how he does it at: http://www.mynetmarketingland.com/article-marketing/