Tuesday, May 20, 2008

At What Point Should You Stop Using Articles To Market Your Home Business Products?

Many network marketing individuals who use article marketing to sell their products sometime tend to feel that because they have written so many articles on a particular niche that there may be no need for them to continue writing since they will continue to generate traffic from their old articles each and every month.

That brings out an important questions which many people ask. If I have written 200 articles posted online, Wouldn't I still be getting steady traffic from my articles to sell my products? Does it still make sense to continue writing?

Well, the truth of the matter is that articles posted online continue to get traffic even several months after it is posted. But then, Google and other top search engines which may have ranked your website to the top 10 searches does so based on the most recent articles submitted.

When you post an optimised article online with a high ranking in the search engines, the article stays there for at least 2 - 3 weeks and it will start dropping as other new and fresh articles with the same keywords are posted online. You will start getting less and less traffic from that article.

Sure, you will continue to get tricklings of traffic as many months passes by from the old articles. But the newest articles give you the most traffic because Google ranks articles based on fresh and most recent contents submission.

However, you can improve this situation and bring your articles back to the top of the engines by writing similar articles with the same keywords so as to maintain your position in the search engines.

If you are driving traffic to your home business products using articles, your best bet is to continue to write informative articles related to the ones you had earlier posted.

Your article marketing may not be aggressive. Writing 2 articles per day can still keep you up the search engine and will generate you more business in the long run.

To learn more, download my free report, "How to build a quick downline" here: Build A Downline!

Joe Okoro is an accomplished networker who has successfully used internet marketing to grow his downline for 3 years now.


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